
Do you have any pictures from your trapline? They should add a forum for the trapline here. I sure do love the cats. here are a few pictures.
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/Feb15002.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping139.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping046-1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping235.jpg" alt="" />
Those pics are VERY COOL! I think we should do a shirt with some sort of "trapping" theme...
I would buy it!
Hmmm...if only we had some cool pics to use as reference.....(hint hint)
How many you want?
How bout one with the cat hissing and with more of the trap in the picture. I don't really know what they look like, so I'll need reference.
Whatever you think would look cool on a shirt!

Great bobcat photos! :thumb Good job.....curiosity kills the cat.

You hit a tender spot with your question and the answer is only old ones. The treehuggers have moved into Colorado by the trainloads and in 1992 they got it on the ballot and the people of Colorado voted to outlaw trapping. There's only one thing I enjoy more then hunting big game and that is trapping and outwitting furbearers. Every fall when the night air turns cold, that fever starts to boil in me again. I can remember lying awake at night, sleepless knowing that those couple dozen sets already had some catches and couldn't sleep for the life of me, waiting for 4 or 5AM to roll around so I could head out and check my sets. I really love my state and the big game hunting here is great but as I've told my wife, if we ever move away, I want to move to a state that I can trap in and teach my boys how to trap and run some lines with them. I still get fur-fish-game and read it all of the time and I would love to have a trapping forum here at MuleyMadness.
Those are some great pics my friend and some fine lookin' cats too!

Although I've never done any real trapping I'd love to see what Coop could come up with regarding a T or something
Hiker, you know you can cage trap don't you? Since hardly nobody uses them, guys are doing pretty good at it. If, you need help I know a guy that could help you out. One of the best cage trappers in the country.

Here are some Yotes' for ya!

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping100-1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping026.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping007.jpg" alt="" />
I might have to give cages a try. Does he use them for fox and yotes too?Nice to see someone still using longsprings. Are those longsprings #3? I had pretty much switched over to coilsprings for dry land and conibers for water.
Here are a couple of more Cats.

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/Jan7Bobcat011.jpg" alt="" />

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping066.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping219.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping181.jpg" alt="" />

This one won a contest for me.
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping209.jpg" alt="" />

Sorry, for the dial up users.
AWESOME CATCHES AND PICS. Those are pretty cool. :thumb :thumb
Those are fantastic photos. =D> Do you use snares?
I don't. I want to learn though. With work and all, I would have to check everyday down here with snares and that would cost to much in fuel and time. My line is a little over a 100 miles round trip.
Yes with fuel prices at over $3 per gallon that'll be expensive, especially with that long of a line. Are those all Nevada critters? Great looking pelts. I noticed on FFG that cats are really breaking the bank this year. It is great to see fur rebounding a bit.

What is your favorite set for bobcat? what about coyotes?

Thanks again for taking the time to post those photo.
I might have to give cages a try. Does he use them for fox and yotes too?Nice to see someone still using longsprings. Are those longsprings #3? I had pretty much switched over to coilsprings for dry land and conibers for water.
He catches lots of fox, not to many Coyotes. I think they let you use snares though, because they are usually quick kills. I love Longsprings for Nevada type of terrain. Walk throughs are king with cats and is my favorite set. #3's are all that I use. I do use coils also and like them too.

This is how I do my walk throughs for the most part.
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping223.jpg" alt="" />

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping224.jpg" alt="" />
Great looking set. I called CDOW the other year to ask about snares and conibers and they said No! I told them the law said legholds but they stuck with their answer. Many of our creek are loaded with beaver and mink. The beaver are taking over in many areas. I knew cage traps would work well for coon and bobcats, it's good to hear that he catches fox with them. If I could use snares, I'd be in business as there's places all over to catch coyotes. I'm interested in looking into this cage trap situation. Does your friend live in Colorado? What type of Cage traps does he use and where do I get them? Thanks GUTPYLZ for telling me about these other options.
WOW, those photos are AMAZING!!
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Those are some awesome pics. Thanks.
nice cats
It really stinks that we cant trap in Colorado other than live traps
by the way those are sweet pics
Thanks guys
uh,, i don't care who you are----- thats freikin' coooooool!! awsome picks.
Anyone have some good, large cage traps for sell? I think Troy has got that ole' trappin fever brewing in me again..... ](*,) :tz
Those are pretty cool photos! Do you have to shoot them with a .22 when you walk up on them? Do they ever scare you when you don't know exactly where your trap is, and when you round the corner this cat is hissing at you!?
Great pics!
Do you have to shoot them with a .22 when you walk up on them? Do they ever scare you when you don't know exactly where your trap is, and when you round the corner this cat is hissing at you!?
I use a choke pole now. They go out so quick with them. Do you remember as a kid when guys would put a choke hold on others and pass them out? It's kind of like that, I don't think they feel to much. No blood on fur either. When I take my kids with me and they want to put them down, I will let them shoot them. They don't scare me at all, but I do have a lot of respect for them and they are a total rush. I get a kick out of everyone I catch. I also know exactly where all my traps are placed. I don't use drags, so there won't be any surprises. Once you learn how to do it your hooked and its not that hard to learn. A good place to learn is http://www.trapperman.com they have forums there that would teach you. I've only been trapping for 2 years now. The learning curve is real high and the information is out there. Good luck and if you have any questions let me know. Troy
So is this just for fun or a hobbie or is there any money still available in trapping and the pelts??

BTW-I miss your old avatar.
I made 6 thousand last year and 5 this year. The year before last I had a couple cats go over 6oo each. Greys were 40 to 50 bucks and Yotes sucked! Only avereaged 24 on 30 of them. Prices are really down, but I don't totally do it for the money. It's kind of like land fishing to me. If, you want that avatar I will send it to you. I did like the picture, but I would rather see them through my scope if you know what I mean? :))
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this is not as good as your pic's but it not something you do everyday, many years ago I skinned for some trapper friends, It help pay the bills when I saw going to College.
Insted of shooting skunks we would put them down with a hypo on the end of a 2x2 it worked really well.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/March1985012.jpg" alt="" />
Choke pole, I'd like to know or see more about them. How long are the animals 'out'??
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50 cc and they did not come back.
Muley, you just take the nock of an animal control pole and that would do the job. the one I use is 3 ft long. I think now I would use a 4 ft for the Yotes. Larry, did you use acetone?
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yes, we use acetone, I got a great story from the 1st few try's on gettting the doesage right. Had one wake up as we were getting them out of the back of a pick up with a shell on it. I believe something like 8 stiches to close my buddys head wound.
WOW to have one wake up ouch
Cowgirl In CO
"GUTPYLZ" wrote:Do you have any pictures from your trapline? They should add a forum for the trapline here. I sure do love the cats. here are a few pictures.
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/Feb15002.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping139.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping046-1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d162/GUTPYLZ/2007Trapping235.jpg" alt="" />
Very Nice!!
Thank you! Man, I'm ready for hunting, trapping, something.
Troy, I have been looking at my area differently lately...... :)) I need to get out and ask a few of my friends for permission to make a few sets this winter. So far I have 3-4 areas in mind, that should hold some bobcats. On the way over to check our cattle yesterday, I saw a badger....do you think it's possible to catch one of those in a cage trap?
I think you can get one in a cage. I will ask though. I caught my first two last year and was really excited. I'm going to mount them next month when I finish my Mule Deer. Your like me, whenever I travel I'm always looking at the terrain and roadkill ect. If, your looking for cages I think Harbor Freight was selling some Cages that would get you by in the mean time.