Hiking with my dog
3/1/09 12:24pm
So i took my 3 1/2 year old Llewellin Setter, Sammie for a hike yesterday. We just went up above my house just on a little hike for kicks and giggles, and we had hiked about half an hour up this little draw and she runs up to this tree and keeps diggin and sniffin at it and you gotta remember the tree has a foot of snow under it still, and finally i go over to her because she wont come to me, and she pulls something out of the snow and comes runnin over to me and drops it right in front of me, i pick it up and it was a freaking deer antler, just a little two point but still awesome for my DOGS first find.
But i still love him.
I take my dogs everywhere I go, They love to go hiking.. Some times they bring back a shed or two. Wish they would do it more often!
Sounds like you've got a good shed hunter to take with you.