Hints for hunting a difficult area wanted, no, Needed!
8/19/07 5:02pm
I have an archery tag for area 21 in Nevada. Mostly high desert, lots of shale, P/J, some decent mountains (8-9K elevation). The area I just hunted this weekend had all the attributes mentioned, had lots of tracks, lots of places to water, but I didn't see anything except for one doe in my headlights as I drove in to camp Friday night.
I set up a ground blind on a waterhole where there were lots of tracks, waited one full evening, one full morning. Nothing. I was out of time at that point, because I had to come back home. I may go up again this weekend, and definitely on Labor Day weekend.
SO, what's the best way to approach this? Stick with the blind in the heavy traffic area? Or try glassing and then making a stalk?
I set up a ground blind on a waterhole where there were lots of tracks, waited one full evening, one full morning. Nothing. I was out of time at that point, because I had to come back home. I may go up again this weekend, and definitely on Labor Day weekend.
SO, what's the best way to approach this? Stick with the blind in the heavy traffic area? Or try glassing and then making a stalk?

8/19/07 7:24pm
I'd hike and glass myself, especially if you didn't have success the other method. You could sit there all hunt, glass and find them IMO.

8/19/07 10:35pm
Get to a high point before first light and glass. The edges of little draws with thick cover at the bottom are good places to start. As the day heats up, glass the shady edges of cover. Velvet makes them easier to see but also look for slight movement, ear, tail ect. Cover lots of ground but be thorough when you glass. good luck.