Hitting the hood - good start

I have been out after work a few nights this last week and since I have been watching a big group of bucks in my neighborhood all winter I decided to take a walk through our common park area and found 2 fresh drops and one from last year that was buried in the grass and still brown. Our division backs up to private land that is just a big sage area and I found the owner and got permission to take a look. I spent two hours yesterday poking around and found 8 white sheds including a nice big 3 point set. 11 sheds in 3 hours was pretty exciting. I don't think anybody has been in there in years. 5 of them were within 200 feet of the road. I have photos of two of the bucks from this winter. There are still 7 bucks that have not dropped yet so I may give it a rest for another week in this area. Off to a good start!
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Here are a few more pics. It is a bit hard to tell from the 2 point ATL that it came from this buck but there is no doubt when you hold the shed that it is his right side. I love finding sheds of bucks I have pictures of. I also love this ATL of the old white 2 point with the house behind it. That thing has been laying there for years! It is very cracked and weathered. I think I have a new honey hole till you guys figure out where I live! LOL!
Love it, man sounds like you definitely nailed in on the honey hole. Smart move on permission to check out the guys property. What a blast.
+1 on the brains in getting property permission, what a day!
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I found the other side to the 2 point buck from the photo above. I also found the left side of a really nice buck I have been watching this winter. It was laying in an open field and I passed within 20 feet of it and completely missed it until I swung back later. Sometimes these sheds just hide in plain sight. I am including a photo of the buck. Hopefully I can find the right side to make a set. I'm taking the day off tomorrow to go hit one of my favorite spots. 2 weeks ago there was still a foot of snow so hopefully it has melted down and hopefully the bucks have been in there this winter like they normally are. I guess I will find out.
Very cool to have "Live" pics of those bucks, your doing amazing so far.