hlp score my muley (very small deer dont click for big deer)
8/14/06 4:47pm
well after fidgiting around a bit, i dunno about that whole postin a pick thing - so ill e-mail it to you if you want to help me i guess.
Now, I know next to nothing about judging a trophy (be it muleys, elk, sheep, pronghorns, etc...) I just hunt on what I like - Mostly I just like to shoot, bein as im just barely 17 #-o .
Anyways, here's my question finally - I was wanting to learn how to judge trophies so I found some B&C scoring sheet website where it does all the calculations for you, you just type in each measurement it asks in the box. a short while bakc I scored my muley at 131 B&C .. Now just barely I decided to score one of my dads bucks (as he has many haning on just plaques in the garage) and it came out to 138 B&C - His is much bigger than mine, so something is screwed up here. I would have guessed his to be around 150-160 (again i know very little, just from looking at pictures and seing the scores i would have guessed this). Well I decided to pull my deer off my dressing room counter and re scored it (the one that scored 131 earlier) this time it taped out to 86 7/8 B&C according to the computer - Both times I took very careful time to measure as close I could, as well as with my dads buck..
What id like to know, is if someone could look at the pictures i can send you and if you could tell me which score is closer for my deer, and if the score for my dads buck (138) is about right or if something is wrong there.. Thanks for anyone willing to help.
Now, I know next to nothing about judging a trophy (be it muleys, elk, sheep, pronghorns, etc...) I just hunt on what I like - Mostly I just like to shoot, bein as im just barely 17 #-o .
Anyways, here's my question finally - I was wanting to learn how to judge trophies so I found some B&C scoring sheet website where it does all the calculations for you, you just type in each measurement it asks in the box. a short while bakc I scored my muley at 131 B&C .. Now just barely I decided to score one of my dads bucks (as he has many haning on just plaques in the garage) and it came out to 138 B&C - His is much bigger than mine, so something is screwed up here. I would have guessed his to be around 150-160 (again i know very little, just from looking at pictures and seing the scores i would have guessed this). Well I decided to pull my deer off my dressing room counter and re scored it (the one that scored 131 earlier) this time it taped out to 86 7/8 B&C according to the computer - Both times I took very careful time to measure as close I could, as well as with my dads buck..
What id like to know, is if someone could look at the pictures i can send you and if you could tell me which score is closer for my deer, and if the score for my dads buck (138) is about right or if something is wrong there.. Thanks for anyone willing to help.
Did you understand how to do the measurements, and how many to take??
Here's a link to the company website that makes the field scoring kit. A lot of the things in it are somewhat trivial, I like the info and the paper the most!
if you go there you'll see, you just type in the measurements it asks for. really easy as it explans everything for you, so all that you have to do is make sure you tape right.. As far as the scores being so different when i scored my deer, i guess there just must be something wrong with the web site maybe? Ill tell you though, every time i scored something on there (just the 3 different times so far) I made sure to be as exact as I could with each measurement.. so i dunno why things were that drastically different when i scored my deer twice. or why my dads deer scored so low? Unles it really is, but I would assume its at least a little bigger than 138 - like i said i would have guessed 150 at least.
Thanks all
Anyways, the first pic is my dads buck that I scored at 138 (seems a little low to me). As for picture relations or whatever itd be called, my backs against that wall and that plaque is pressed against my chest, the pic is so close cause i had to set it on my couch to take a pic of myself, so its pretty up close, sorry about that.
The second pic is my buck that I scored at first 131 and then second at 86 7/8
Thanks for anyones help with what they might really score, generally at least. and thanks again to MM for the great help
Here's a photo of a buck that scored right at 140. Looks similar to your dad's buck.
I agree with BOHNTR, it's a bit difficult to tell from the pic (Dad's buck) just how deep the front forks are but I would guess that it would score around 140....or pretty close to where you have him scored.
BUT, with that being said, a true trophy is in the eyes of the beholder! I really mean that too. One of my favorites is a 3X3 mulie I got years ago that wouldn't score any higher than 120 but I worked my rear off that season, hiked all over God's creation, and made one heck of a shot on the last day, within the last hour of shootin' light to get him. His rack hangs proudly in the middle of my others and I wouldn't give him up fo the world! Both the bucks you have posted are "trophy worthy" if you consider them such.
Here's a pic (Scanned copy of the pic. Sorry for the lack of quality).
Thanks for lettin me know guys.
Oh yeah, so on the second picture (my deer) that score would be closer to the 86 7/8 that I taped it out to the second time then - I know its pretty hard to see in that pic cause we were half in shade and half in sun, sorry about that.
Thanks again to everyone for the help. AGCHAWK / BOHNTR: great bucks, thanks for sharin
Measuring critters is passion of mine. I'm an official measurer for P&Y/B&C along with several state organizations. The best advice I can give is continue to measure antlers as often as possible. The more you meausre the better you'll get a field judging animals in the wild.
Here's a photo of a 165" net buck to give you a comparison to the first buck I posted.
Another good idea would be to order the P&Y measuring manual and you'll learn how to accurately measure ALL critters. Good luck and welcome to the board.
I agree, post your measurements......your buck looks larger than the mid 80's, IMO.
I was just wonderin, whats the different between the net score and the gross score?? Are they 2 different measurements or whats up with that?
Example-If the left main beam is 23" and the right main beam is 19", you will have to deduct the difference for the official net score. Gross would be 42" in main beam measurements while net is going to be 38". Have I confused you yet?
Basically a quick way to field judge an animal for net score is to add all the shortest measurements of each respective side tine lenght and mass)and double it. Then add the inside spread.
This is the buck I killed last year...he grosses 170 and nets mid 160's.
Notice he has good beams, g3's, and g4's but his g2's peter out. If his g2s evened out with his g3's he would go near 180.
Remember also that brow tines can add significant inches, look at this buck my dad killed several years ago. It is supposed to gross 170's, I have not measured it myself.
Big scores are a result of long tines. While width and mass make a good impression, they don't usually add significantly to a deers score (assuming we're talking about similar bucks).
Looking at the two above bucks from the side you would not notice a big difference in them. However the top buck's outside spread is 5 inches wider than the 2nd bucks. It looks impressive, but the inside spreads are only about an inch or two different. The top buck also has much darker antlers and as a result appears to carry more mass...but I would be surprised if the mass measurements are separted by more than an inch.
At the end of the day, I believe that a trophy is in the eye of the beholder and while a score provides and interesting measuring stick it does not define a trophy in my eyes.
After scoring 6 more of my dads deer today (and a few elk and pronghorns) I found out that it really does score 140's rather than mid 150's like i guessed, now that i think about it like you guys have said those G2's really do make a difference, and mostly on his buck its just that none of his points really flare out, just an average framed 4X4 (not that theres anything wrong with that, biggest deer ive taken is under 90" haha - Id die if i ever got a deer as big as the ones my dad pulls out year after year.
Anyways, thanks again to everyone.. Hey heres a guestion ive been wondering all day; why do they call the points G's ? Like you have your main bean and then a G1, G2, G3, and G4 on muleys and with elk - what does G stand for?
thanks again and keep it safe out there everyone