hog hunt with a kinfe

Got a chance to go on a hog hunt next May but there's one catch. you can only kill the hog with a knife no bows and no guns!
The hunt will only cost me food and fuel.
What do you guys think. is that something you'ld do if you had the chance.
By the way there a crawfish boil that go's with it.
Larry, I have a friend from Georgia who hunts hogs that way. I guess it's not a wild as it sounds. We have a couple from Louisiana in our church and that put on a "Cajun Boil" every spring. They ship up 40-80 pounds of fresh crawfish and all of those good spices and other food and we have a great time. I only eat the tails of those crawfish but the hardcore crawfish people "suck their heads" which more or less is the insides.
i think it woulb be a rush but, i also dont think at's as tough as it seems. usually the dogs get the gig pinnes first then they go in and bite the pig and hold it until you stab it. of coiurse you need to make a good first stab nut i'm sure it would still be a rush!! i would do it.
I watched Tred Barta do it on one of his programs. Take a back up knife and watch out for those cutters!
i dont know if i would do it or not
Yikes sounds like an adrenaline rush for sure.
I saw the tred busta show,it was a stupid stunt,no hunting involved,I wouldnt do it if they paid me to come down.
AHH heck NONYA give it a try :-k What do yeah got to lose. #-o other than your life :222 Well if I were a few years younger. (???)
stabbin a pig with a rambo knife after dogs have chewed it to bits and are holding it down DOES NOT appeal to me,never will.
Do you guys remember several years back a guy developed a hunting spear? I even remember seeing advertisements for the spear in some magazines.

They would set up in a tree stand and wait for the animal to pass under them to a be impaled.

Not my cup of tea that is for sure.
Sure a far cry from fair chase Muley hunting. :-k
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Don't think i would go there, i have hunted hogs before and it gets wild often and you don't know what that sucker will do, have seen them put 10 inch gashes in dogs and kill a few.
Believe me I want no part of it. Not only do I have no interest in it but I know I would be the guy that got opened up like a sardine can by a tusk.

I am perfectly satisfied that my closest contact is a pulled pork sandwich.