holely cow
11/17/07 10:15pm
i just had a 9X8 buck with a drope tine that was tuchn his nee walk in my yard. it was esaly a colorado state recored and would have given the world recored a run for its money :thumb
That is a heck of a thing to say with out pictures you know how we are about our pictures.
HA HA! Sounds like a big buck with or without pictures.
Let's just leave it at that.
now we all know how this got started!!!!!!!! any other suprises?
This morn coming home down I-25 I seen a dozen elk on a hill north of Castle Rock and a record book buck and six does south of Castle Rock.
Seen another dozen mulies south of ColoSprings but only saw antlers on on three of them but was too far to tell how big( well OK I was goin to fast to tell).
and as for the poking fun of him and his mom for spelling, i screw up all the time, it's freikin typing! i would guess we could go back over all are posts and find alot of misspelled words[ heck i'm sure i has a few in this post :)) ] we should move this thread to the "DWR" hunting forum, maybe it would fit in there ](*,)
we should move this thread to the "DWR" hunting forum, maybe it would fit in there ](*,)[/quote]
killerbee you see this is exactly the mindset that makes this forum so slow at times. you can only say that something is so cool, awesome, or dang that is a nice buck so many ways. there is nothing wrong with 95% of the people who were part of the dwr forum. the differing opinions are what makes these places so much fun to be a part of.
i am not saying that threads like this are right either nobody should be made fun of regardless of their educational backgrounds. i do not know where mrs. t thought that my only other comment on this thread was meant to be funny. maybe it was because of the doe hunt thread i don't know. my opinions are just that opinions nobody else has to agree with them.
however, if one is to be taken seriously over the internet it is a good idea to have pictures to back up the claims. i am not saying that there was not a great buck running past his house or not, i was not there. but before i get on a public forum and say that it is bigger than the world record you bet i will have some form of visual evidence to back up the claim.
the last few days this forum has actually shown a pulse in a couple of threads. there have been a lot of laughs shared and good times had. my question is what exactly is wrong with that? differing opinions and humor make life worth living.
callofthewild: Are you saying that you enjoy a site where folks are free to humiliate, chastise, harass, verbally assault, and just plain act like an idiot over a site that tries it's damndest to keep that to a minimum?
Contrary to your statement, you can post a lot more than "so cool, awesome, or dang nice buck" on this site. In fact, we disagree with eachother on a semi-regular basis. What we do not allow are verbal attacks and the crap I listed in my first paragraph. Constructive disagreements are great....and should be encouraged...as long as they are constructive. Calling someone names, attacking their knowledge level, etc is NOT constructive. (It's funny how many guys act like they are the cock-of-the-block while on-line because they know there is no way they will EVER have to back their words up in person. Most of those types of folks are nothing more than cowards)
You are ALWAYS welcome to voice your opinion...and it does not have to be a popular one. However, you cannot attack someone else because their opinion differs (the "doe thread" is a perfect example).
Lastly, you stated that differing opinions and humor make life worth living. I agree! If folks would keep it to that then a thread would never have to be locked or deleted.
If ya think it's slow here and miss the "cyber-yelling, crying, name calling, and crap-slinging" then I'm sorry....we can't help ya. If ya want a site where you can share information, look for advice, share pics and stories, etc then you found the right place.
Couple reasons, deer aren't nearly as cautous as those that have seen hunting pressure, and AGE of the bucks, many are 7-8-9 or more years old.
I believe a good possibility exists for Mule Deer to do the same. Maybe the next real big guy will come from conditions similar.
Side note, "If guns Kill People, This Keyboard is responsible for my bad spelling" :-k
Maybe I missed something but I don't remember reading anything about wanting "cyber-yelling, crying, name calling, and crap-slinging" (???)
Ya I didn't like the old DWR site very much.. I had my run in with some of the members and funny thing is.. that I really didn't like the members that I had the dispute with...but now after much discussion... I have a whole new outlook on one of them! he is going on a hunt with my significant other and I am going to his house on Thursday to met him and his family! I can see a great friendship coming from this. so instead of running away from a disagreement I held my grounds and look what happened! so just because we disagree with someone doesn't mean we are tearing them down! just like my dad always told me.. "just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they don't like you, listen to what they say and learn from them! if you don't agree, that's your right, you don't have to agree with everyone! (cuz we all know that's never gonna happen!!) but you will get to know that other person and what they stand for!" everyone has a right to their opinions and if you don't like it.. well take it with a grain of assault or ignore them.. it's that easy!!:-k but if you egg on a confrontation.. then be prepared for a rebuttal!! :1
also since the dwr shut down it's forum and the new site took it's place, it is both knowledgeable and funny! I have gotten to know some great people from this site as well and I would love to go hunting or fishing with most.. but it helps to have conversations with them about the things we all love about these forums.. "the great outdoors!!" :thumb
I never meant to imply that callofthewild wanted the crap listed in my other post. I kind of went off on a rant of sorts...I apologize to both of ya if you got that impression. Again, I do not mind hashing out a disagreement with a fellow hunter and outdoorsman/woman. I just get tired of folks that seem to claim that "Their way is the right way". If you disagree with someone else's point of view, state it....but bring something to the table when you do. Arguing without substance is a waist of everyone's time.As for the doe issue...I said exactly that in that thread. If ya don't want to hunt does, great. However, if others think it's ok then that's great also.
callofthewild: I agree, you have been very civil in this thread. I have no issues with your posts...I was just voicing my opinion on the matter (Please see above).
Bottom line: I think there is a huge difference between a disagreement and an argument...and a bigger difference between those two and just plain "I know more than you do and therefore your opinion does not matter or is not right".
Ya sorry that was me.Was having a very bad day yesterday and let out a bit to much of my frustrations. Once again i apologize
Can I get a group hug here?!?!?!
But since I do know were you live and your in EAGLE county Colorado which has produced the most B and C mulies in the state I believe he was big but how big with out pics It will be hard to immagine the beast.
Hard to say it would push the world record a run for the money as a non typical. But you do live in a amazing big buck country surorunded by lots of private lands and it is rutting time when the big boys rome.
Heres picks of a 285 B&C Gross whitetail that my friend killed last season in Kansas wit me. He would have to score in the 330's to even come close to the whitetail world record. Cant even imagine how big a 300 class muley would be (THE BRODER BUCK)
I took this pic my self and it was on the Cover of the Huntin fool in may of 2007.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!