Horn hunting season???

Does anyone know if theres going to be a season on horn hunting in southern utah next year?
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I talked to a fish & game officer a couple weeks ago and they are seeing how the northern region area which is close till May goes and are really thinking about going state wide. In a way I would not mind it cause like today when I went out I seen were someone had road a fourwheeler in EVERY flat I came across. I was 3 miles from the nearest road. Every place I have went so far the same thing, tracks after tracks after tracks. Not saying it will stop them but it will slow them cause of weather and others camping for the season.
This would be one of the biggest reason I would have in them doing it state wide.
yeah same thing for me i hiked from 7:30 to 5 today and didn't find crap
i watched five 6x7 bulls in one heard and someone went in in the middle of feb. when the bulls weren't even going to drop and they pushed the bulls clear out and looked and looked for them but i never seen them again one bull was380 and two others were 360 to 370. Pisses Me off!!!!!!!!!!
I'd be okay with a statewide season myself.
The Ox
the problem is there are gonna be cheaters and it will mess up us honest people that will wait to find them until the season opens i just think it will suck for the honest people but i guess i dont ever find them anyway so whatever
:222 :arrow
yeah but wont there be a penalty for those people who go in and pick em up early??????
The Ox
well do you thik they will all get caught though
heck no they wont