
Who hunts with horses out there. Because my grandfather,brother,dad,and I have 6, and we are probably going to hunt with them this year. Plus this weekend I am probably going to get a 6month old buckskin or a black and white pinto. It depends which one I like better. What kind of horses do you all have?
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I can't say I have a horse to call my own, but this last fall we used horses to ride through a stand of PJ's and jumped well over 50 head up for a fella with a draw tag on the unit. Pretty fun for us boys without horses! They can be really good in hunting situations, especially when using them to save your legs when it comes to getting to and from your hunting area and packing out game! Good luck with deciding on a horse, if it were me I'd take the buckskin if it had good color, but then again, what do I know, I dont even own a horse! :)
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I love horses so I read what you wrote and just to make it easier to say for you, a black and white horse is called a Pibald.

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I have two quarter horses that do real good in the rough country.One is a strawberry rone and the other is a sorrol but I just call them red horses. the only problem I have is they are both mares and if they decide they want to have a attitude Lord help us all that day. The reason I have females is because the both come from great blood lines and I plan to breed them some day. If you are going to get a colt and you are young get a horse colt not a filly. My wife would even agree mares can be 100% withces if you know what I mean.
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Oh man this is a subject i love to talk about and reply on. My family have owned em all let me show you the list: Strawberry Rones, Fox Trotters, Quarter Horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds, Appaloosas, Arabians, Buckskins, Palaminos. You cant go wrong with the buckskin for the simple fact they are vert stout and strong and a GREAT mtn horse. Pintos/Paints are very stubborn an spook easily but they are still stout an strong as well. I would take the buckskin but thats just personal choice and past experiences. Appy's are another great mtn horse expecially the ole style apps that are stout i mean their front shoulders are just humongous and they can take the beating of the hills and rocks. Quarter horses are the best all around horse you can get from a kids horse to a show horse and than a mtn horse and you cant go wrong with that. Arabians are small but they got a big heart and will take you to wherever you want to go. I love em all man and its just my life an my passion. I pack the ole 32 special winchester lever action in my scabber and just have at it. We also have a pack mule and let me tell you what, NEVER get a mule if you dont have any patience because they will test you not once but evertime you get around em until they build trust with ya but it takes a very long time to do such. Well i got to get on with work so i will end this reply. Yall take care an enjoy the shed huntin comin up soon.
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Wow! You have a lot of great horses!!!! ENVY! I mean...appys???? Pals???? All the other ones????????????? By the way, Arabs are fast but VERY testy. They are stubborn and they are very highstrung. If I were you, with my knowledge of horses, I would take a buckskin. Agreeing with the others, I would surely say that they are strong and great with long hard trips. They carry heavy loads and are great mountain horses.

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WE have "hunting" horses, and "rodeo" horses, and "hunting rodeo" horses. My newest colt "Fred" I think will be a "hunting rodeo" horse. My wife thinks he will be a "rodeo hunting horse" He is coming on 3 yrs, will be tall if he keeps growing at the rate he has been, born black, will be dapple grey like his mother by the time he is 6. He was "born broke". I am waiting for a big suprise someday, but he takes a saddle, takes his leads, the bit, loads, he will do whatever I ask of him when he knows what I am asking. All of our horses are QH, Foundation Registered QH or QH, TB X, guess we have some Appy too. Dont worry so much about the breed, color, or background, but the heart, if you have some time to spend with an animal. My 14 yr old daughter was cleaning up at the local rodeos last season (in the open, or adult catagory) with a 24 yr old little appy. He loves to compete and wont give up. Beating big horses at 5 to 7 years of age.
Find a horse you can "make a connection with"
Hunting with horses can be very beneficial. You get to ride to your hunting areas and you pack in all of your gear. After you get your game the horse packs it out. If somebody gets hurt you can pack them out as long as they can sit a saddle.
Hunting with horses can be a pain. You have to pack in enough grain and sometimes feed, depending on the availability of grass, you have to get up and water them before you hunt, you have to water them before bed time, you have to worry about them while your hunting. It would be great to have a horse savvy camp tender to take care of the horses while hunting. Basically to sum it up you have to babysit them. Many things can happen and you have to forsee all of the problems that could happen. For instance, a bear, mountain lion, wolves, coyotes, people etc., could spook them into the next county. A horse could get hurt or sick or die. You must be close to water and feed. Even with those problems horse hunting is great! I currently have two horses but have owned and trained many. I have a buckskin Quarter horse and a Paint. Be aware that a buckskin is only a color as is palomino, sorrel, bay, black, etc. You could have these colors in a Quarter Horse, Appy, Arabian, Thorobred, Paint, Mustang, mule, etc., etc. So don't choose a horse by its color but by its usefulness and disposition. If I had to choose between a buckskin or a paint I would choose the one that is less spooky, the one with the best conformation, and the one with the best attitude. If it was just on the preference of color then I would choose buckskin just because I like the color. But a black and white paint is valuable for resale purposes. Since you already have about 6 horses I'm sure that you already know a lot of what we just told you. Good luck and have fun. fatrooster.
P.S. Huntergirl, congrats on the chance to hunt. I hope it goes well for you.
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I've an 8 yr. old palamino mustang. She's a good mountain horse, and you can put one of the kids on her in the pasture without a concern. Also have an appalusa yearling colt that is the result of the above mare and a quarter horse. He is calm as a summer's morning.

Horses can be a pleasure to ride, but--as stated above--pick one based on its disposition and your confidence when you ride it. If you can't get a buy back guarantee, buy with extra caution unless you have the luxury of riding it in some varying conditions.

I don't hunt much with my horse. I ride for pleasure most of the year, scout with her, and pack meat out. I hunt on foot.

A horse back ride is like a marriage. There's nothing better than a good one, and nothing worse than a bad one.
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I have mules that I use." alt="" />
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Good looking mules, and real nice elk. What state did you take him in.
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Montana 2004 7X6 381 scored gross No Guides On Public Land with Bow Nonresident
Looks like that Mule is exactly what you need for that
Monster BULL!! Goodness, he is a beauty!