How big is he?

So I found a big 4 point shed while hunting the Utah general this weekend. I followed B&C scoring and got 74 inches. Is there any way of guessing what this buck could have scored? I held up the horn how I thought it would grow out of the deers head and measured to what I thought was the middle of the scull plate and got 14 inches. My un-educated guess is in the 170 range, but I could be way off. This buck has the widest side I've seen measuring 20 inches from the tip of the G2 to the tip of the main beam! I was impressed. Didn't see him alive or he would no longer be.----shooter.
"Springville Shooter" wrote: My un-educated guess is in the 170 range, but I could be way off.

that would be my guess as well!! care to share pics?

Springville Shooter
Here's a pic, the tape is pulled out to 24"---shooter
Big enough!
Dang; you need to find his other side!
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Whenever I want to know what a buck scores and I just have one side I take the total of the one side like you have done then for the spread credit I always just give him the length of his main beam. Now this is guessing the best came scenerio because your spread credit cannot exceed the length of your shortest main beam. So take that length and double the length of the horn you have and there is a rough guess as to what he would score. Hope this helps.
That is an awesome buck you have to find that other shed!!!