How do you do a European mount!

I would like to do a european mount to my deer that I got this year with my bow. Just wondering how to do it. I have most of the flesh off that I can get to, do you boil it to get the rest off, or do i need to have it all off first.

Any tips from you guys that have done it yourselfs before.
ive never done it myself, but hear that if you have most the flesh off, just boil the rest and it should clean it right up then you can go to the next stage and bleach it


I also hear beetles work great!
You're heading in the right direction (pun intended). Now that you have the flesh off it will be time to start boiling the skull to get the rest of the stuff out of the skull. One thing to remember is that even though they say boiling a shull it's more of a simmer than a boil. Get a pot that is big enough to submerse the whole skull in. Fill it up until just the skull is covered add some Borax soap and let it simmer until the soft tissue becomes loose on the skull. When you change the water keep an eye on you skull. As you are boiling the skull the teeth have a habit of coming out. So pour the water out slow and get any teeth tht fall out so that they can be glued back in later. Then I pull the skull out and pull off the loose tissue. One thing that I have found that helps get the tissue out the nasel cavity is a set off neddle nose plires. They work great at getting down in there without breaking the thin bones. Then I get a piece of wire and bend a small hook on the end so that I can get it inside of the spinal column and run it up into the brain cavity and work it around to get it broke up so that it will come out easily. Then I take a hose and start squirting the skull off to get the small stuff off to get it as cleas as I can. Becareful when spraying around the nose because the bones there are way thin. Repeat as much as you need to get the skull clean but leave out the borax for the last couple of boils so that all of the soap will be cleaned out of the skull. Once you have the skull clean I put it in to boil one more time but this time it's more of a rolling boil to get the skull hot and to get the pores in the skull to open up a little. As soon as the skull is hot I pull it out and spray it down with hydrogen pyroxide. I use the strong stuff that is like 37% concentration. It will turn that skull white in a coupe of minutes. If you use the real strong peroxide make sure that you wear gloves because you don't want this stuff on your skin. Once you have everything as white as you want it just get some hot glue and put the things that have fell out or moved back to where you want them.

I hope that this helps in some way and sorry for being so long winded.
Heres how i do most of mine...
using a chainsaw or hacksaw make a cut that runs in a straight line from the tip of the black on the nose through the center of the eye socket,cut off the whole top of the head,this usually leaves the ears attached to the top.Skin the piece you have cut off and boil the rest in a big pot,either on your stove or a camp stove in the yard,boil for a couple hours then use a wire brush to remove flesh,boil until you have removed all flesh and cartiledge.Lastly scrub skull with a toothbrush and bleach,done.Then I mount them on a wall mount that sets them at an angle so you can see the rack better...." alt="" />