How do you scout??
6/18/10 11:54am
Hey there guys! Im pretty new to the site and havnt had a whole lot of time to post much but I love reading everyones posts when I get a chance! Im just curious how everyone does their pre-season scouting. I have been archery hunting for about 5 years now and havnt had too much success and I have generally had alot of time to hunt so my mentallity has been to just go out with bow and hand as much as possible and if it happens it happens if not oh well... Basically I just havnt payed to much attention to scouting. This season will be a little different though. I will really only have the opening week, if that, so I figured I better get scouting if i want a chance at anything this year. I also want to be one of those guys that comes home with a deer everywhere so I decided its time to get serious and put in the time. What are some of the techniques you guys use for scouting? Where should I start? Any help is greatly appreciated. I would love to find a deer and watch him the whole summer and then go out and have all my hard work pay off opening week. Thanks guys!!
If it's a deal like the Colorado 3rd season where I'll hunt again this year, you need to go to the same place for a few years. The deer are not where they'll be in November if you look for them in July or August. In that situation, I just look around. I try to find isolated or remote pockets of quality habitat. I especially look for bitterbrush. Then I go back there in November and hope to find a brute. That time of year, I'll also look for does and assume there's a big buck near where those does are located, like within 3/4 mile. Then I hunt the rough parts of country within that range diligently.
I also camp close to where I hope to hunt when scouting, but not in the midst of it. Same for hunting. I always stay a reasonable distance from where I willl hunt, but not in it. And you can't use your optics enough. Get a good set of binos and a quality spotting scope and tripod. They are well worth the money.
Good hunting. Hope you smack a big one.
Bowhunting for mule deer ( a detailed guide to open country bucks) by Dwight Schuh
Hunting High Country Mule Deer by Mike Eastman
Both these books give great detail about scouting
Good luck
In my opinion Dwight Schuh's is the best of the 3.
I consider all scouting as a success weather you saw anything or not. It is just as important to elimate unproductive areas as finding good ones. I never like to go look at a new spot during the hunt, because if you go there and there is no sign of a deer, you have just wasted a day of hunting. Use scouting days to find poor hunting spots.
If your area gets alot of pressure, I like scout enough areas to at least find about 4 different bucks that I would shoot. I can guarantee that I will see other hunters out there, and it would be very naive to think that I am the only guy that has seen a particular buck. Have a plan for opening morning, but be prepared to go to your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th buck spot when other hunters mess you up.
Happy hunting.
but don't take my word for it!!!
If I am cose enough to the area I try to make several trips looking for potential spots.I have to get out there,and put some leather down..Too thick to ride around glassing for animals like westerners..If I am too far away from my hunting spot..I hunt on the fly..