How do you secure your trail cam?

I got a trail cam recently and am excited to place it somewhere this year. But I am just wondering how you guys secure them?

I just use a 9" rubbermaid cord, with hooks on the end. Mine aren't really in areas where I'm to worried about them getting stolen. I make my own stands for them also.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:I just use a 9" rubbermaid cord, with hooks on the end. Mine aren't really in areas where I'm to worried about them getting stolen. I make my own stands for them also.
what are these stands you speak of??

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I got a buddy that has 4-5 cameras and they are in areas where they could get stolen, He usually just puts them up to see the elk in the area before archery season starts and takes them down the weekend before season so not alot of people get a chance to steal them but theres still a chance, What he did was took it apart where its just the case, he puts on a padlock bracket and then on the inside he builds his own bracket to secure it to a tree he uses those special lug nuts to keep people from stealing your wheels hes had two stolen before he started doing this and now he hasnt lost any, He even caught two guys trying to steal them but were unsuccessful the cops didnt do too much just a vandalism ticket because they really didnt steal any thing kinda screwed up if you ask me. Hope this helps.
Has anyone ever tried one of these?
or maybe this would be a little better

I wouldn't get that carried away.

I'd go with a Master Lock Python Locking Cable.

Something like this...


Walmart or local Hardware/Sporting Goods store should sell them. Or maybe Lowes, Home Depot?
out here in NC they'll take yer camera in a heartbeat, even if its locked they'll cut down the tree, so i started locking mine and put'n em on the biggest tree i can find(3-4ft in diameter) that stops em cold, cause they'll have to fire up a chainsaw and me or the neighboring landowners will hear that
sad part about it is, no matter what you do if it's a theif that wants it , they'll get it :>/ when i put mine up on public land the first thing i do is i put it up on sunday night and pick it back up on friday night. that gets rid of the most of the weekend warriors. then i also put my cameras up about 20 feet in the tree facing down to get the pics. i take tree steps with me to do it. this way most people will never see it and if they did they would have to make a special trip back to take it. but then again i've never even had a pic of another person so if you take it a ways back off the beaten path you should be ok.
Tree Killer
A friend of mine has made me boxes for my trailcams. I use big, heavy lag bolts to anchor the bow directly to a tree, then the lock is inside a side box that prevents a hacksaw or boltcutters from being used. But like it was said above, if some scumbag really wants to steal or vandalize your camera they will." alt="" />
I use bear boxes. You can pick one up for around $20 - $30. I actually bought the ones I use because I was sick of bears ripping my camera down, but they would work great for people too. You would have to cut the tree down to steal it.
Got a pic of your bear box? or link?
Here is a link to one for a cuddeback. I also found one online for a stealthcam, and have seen them for other brands as well.
I use the same cable that Brett referred to. On my moultree, There is not a locking loop so I made my own. i removed the camera and bolted a metal plate in the back of the housing. Be sure to silicone the holes so that the housing is still waterproof. I have had great luck with this. Also conceal the camera so that if someone where to walk into your area, the camera is not noticable.

Agreed with above though, if they want it bad enough they will find a way to take it. At that point let them. They will answer for that on their own time. As for you, buy another camera and keep enjoying it. If you dont this is what you will miss.