How far out do you shoot?

As I am new to Archery, I would like to get you input on effective ranges of your bow. I am odd, I shoot better groups with my long bow out to 45 yards better than at 15 yards. I know, odd. I feel my effective longest range for my long bow would be 25 yards to 30 yards. How far is your effective range?
I wouldn't shoot past 50 yards, preferably 40 and under. But I'm pretty new also, but hope to take a Muley at close range.
50 max for me...
50 max for me too, but would much preferr everything inside of 40 :thumb
as far as you are comfortable
60 or less for me.
Although I don't intend to shoot an animal beyond 50 yards, unless EVERYTHING is perfect, I practice at that range more than any other. It makes the 20 to 40 yard shots seem like chip shots.
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Like most of the guys on here I 50yrds is my limit. It's not that I can't hit a pie plate at 70 I can, it's will the arrow punch threw a rib and quickly dispatch the critter. Even on elk you only have at most a two inch slot to reach the vitals. As a bow hunter I try to at least get the tip out the other side' it makes for a better blood trail. Good luck on your hunt.
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Ideal range is between 20 and 35 yards. I've had animals real close and it's so hard to draw on them when they're so close unless your in a stand. If I set up by a trail or water hole I like to get back at least 20 yards from where I think my shot will be. If you can close the distance to 40 yards and under that's my effective range. Practice shots out to 60 and 70 yards and it makes zeroing in at 30 yards simple. Good luck.
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Because I shoot a long bow, I am going to stick with a max of 30 yards. :thumb
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I agree that it is all what you are comfortable with. I practice all the way out to a 100 yards and can shoot tight groups. However i would never shoot an animal from that distance. For myself it depends what animal you are hunting. Deer or elk. Elk must be within 40 yards. Mule deer must be 80 yards or less. Practice long range shots to make you shoot better groups at closer ranges.
30 yards max for me, I wont take a shot on an animal longer than that range (yet). I have 60 yards worth of pins in my sight and will only shoot the first 3 (20, 30 & 40 yard pins). My comfort zone is 30 or less, I've hit targets @ 40yds but CAN'T make an ethical shot from there or beyond.
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As far as you are comfortable and have consistenly practiced for an ethical shot. For elk I don't shoot over 50, but for muley's I practice up to 80 yards.
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Well, since I've only taken 1 shot and he was at 55yds, and I missed so bad it was pathetic. ( I thought he was about 45) I guess I would say that my effective range is less than 55yds but that is stil up for debate since I've never had an effective shot!
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I shoot alot and shoot out to 80 yards regularly. It's the longest target on the Field Archery course. I like to be at 40 or less especially if there's any wind. I shot sunday evening in the wind with broadheads and had little trouble keeping them in the kill out to 50 yards. I was holding 12 inches off to hit center on some of the longer shots though. It gets tricky to hit something that may move before the arrow gets there at longer ranges. It's also hard to see any small limbs or brush in your way too. Fourty is a comfortable distance for me.
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I'm comfortable 40yrds and in, but i do practice out to 70yrds, but would take a shot at an animal at that range(yet).
big game bowhunter
i like am about 25-30 yards away if they get to close i start to sake
my dad is not like that it can be 2feet away and he don't sake
he shot a non typical elk at 12yard on the ground
and i was 9yards away it was so cool
here is a pic of the elk that he shot
I was grouping a dinner plate at 70yds today, but completely missed the target at 80... lol guess i have a little more work to do.
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Right now I have my adjustable pin dialed in up to 60 yards. I have not gone further yet because I can only get 60 yards in my back yard. When I am shooting regularly I am very confident at that range but things would have to be just perfect in a hunting situation for me to take that shot. I want to be able to use my adjustable to practice out to longer ranges but it looks like hunting past 60 will not work for me because if I were to take a shot further than that I would want to be shooting that distance every day and be very confident at it. Until I move or buy a house with a bigger yard 60 is my max.
50 yards or less. Thats why I bowhunt, I wanna have the adrenalin rush of getting close. fatrooster.
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Just remember guys...just because you can hit a taget 50-80 yards away perfectly, doesnt mean squat in the animal moves!! At 50 yards, that deer or elk can move 2-5 yards in the time it takes your arrow to leave your bow and arrive at the animal....what was a perfect shot, turns into that awful nightmare of a poor hit...Just do yourself a favor and don't take the long might get lucky a few times..but, who wants the consequences of a poorly hit animal?
6x6 bull
"wapiti67" wrote:Just remember guys...just because you can hit a taget 50-80 yards away perfectly, doesnt mean squat in the animal moves!! At 50 yards, that deer or elk can move 2-5 yards in the time it takes your arrow to leave your bow and arrive at the animal....what was a perfect shot, turns into that awful nightmare of a poor hit...Just do yourself a favor and don't take the long might get lucky a few times..but, who wants the consequences of a poorly hit animal?
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I have shot a deer at 110 yards, last year it was the only shot I had at a nice 4 point, I debated shooting at 90 yards, but then he moved and knew I was there and was very nervous, so I decided once in a life time shot, and im glad I had a pin for a 100 yards as a just in case, I shot and nailed him
"MuleyMadness" wrote:I wouldn't shoot past 50 yards, preferably 40 and under. But I'm pretty new also, but hope to take a Muley at close range.
Me too, except for the new part. It is all a matter of comfort and practice, practice, practice. I know of people who are very good at the longer ranges, but for us average Joes, I think 50 is a good top end.
6x6 bull
Someone once said that archery isn't about how far you can shoot but how close you can get before you shoot.
Tree Killer
"6x6 bull" wrote:Someone once said that archery isn't about how far you can shoot but how close you can get before you shoot.
:thumb :not-worthy 10sign:

My self imposed range with my recurve is somewhere between 20-25 yards, but I prefer a little closer. I'm right handed but left eye dominant, and really can't shoot beyond 30 yards with much accuracy and confidence.