How far out do you shoot?
Muley Shed Freak
7/18/09 8:56pm
As I am new to Archery, I would like to get you input on effective ranges of your bow. I am odd, I shoot better groups with my long bow out to 45 yards better than at 15 yards. I know, odd. I feel my effective longest range for my long bow would be 25 yards to 30 yards. How far is your effective range?
my dad is not like that it can be 2feet away and he don't sake
he shot a non typical elk at 12yard on the ground
and i was 9yards away it was so cool
here is a pic of the elk that he shot
My self imposed range with my recurve is somewhere between 20-25 yards, but I prefer a little closer. I'm right handed but left eye dominant, and really can't shoot beyond 30 yards with much accuracy and confidence.