how high mule deer

Next week I leave for a mule deer trip in Wyoming. The peaks reach about 12,000 feet with mostly rocks above 10,000. Most everything is pretty bare above that. Opening date is oct 01st. There are lots of steep clifs and rim rocked areas. Any suggestions on where to look.
You have to look at all levels. Try to find vantage points where you can see everything. If you don't find deer up high then look in the middle elevations. If you don't find them there then look low. Don't leave anything untouched. fatrooster.
"fatrooster" wrote:You have to look at all levels. Try to find vantage points where you can see everything. If you don't find deer up high then look in the middle elevations. If you don't find them there then look low. Don't leave anything untouched. fatrooster.
Agreed, and good luck!