How is your Antelope hunting going?
8/23/06 9:15am
My season starts on Oct 7th, for CO & Oct 15th for WY.
How are you archery hunters doing? :arrow Any kills yet?
How are you archery hunters doing? :arrow Any kills yet?
After lunch we headed back out and tried another area and saw a few bucks but nothing worthy of the 5PP tag, so we decided to pass. On the way back with Brett we see Cort staking this buck about 1,000 yards away and then Cort disappears into the Chola. This buck is curious and continues to come into Cort. We have our shooting sticks up with our binos firmly rested on top of them, taking it all in and waiting for a rifle to bark but the bark never comes. We started for the truck and was excited to hear about Cort's close encounter. It turns out this buck wasn't big enough. On the way back to camp it starts to rain, the rain will continue for the rest of the be continued
The next morning we head back to the same area we hunted the previous two mornings. I hike all the way back in, beyond the area where I saw the nice buck from yesterday, it is still raining, really muddy and my socks, pants, coat are soaked through. I'm cold and shaking like a quakie leave on a windy day. I put on my rain coat and started glassing. I see the big herd a mile away. I then see a couple of antelope bedded 500 yards or so out. A couple of bucks and a doe. I glass for some time and decide that one of the bucks is worthy of some lead poisoning, so I start the long stalk. I had only a few chola to hide behind and the doe was bedded looking my direction, so I had to be patient and wait for her to turn or get up to feed. An hour later she decides to stand up and starts to feed and one buck stands up with her. They move out a little and I start crawling on my belly and make it a hundred yards or so before they bed back down next to the other buck. I can only see the horns of this other buck and now can see them well. After 30 minutes or so, I never see his head move. By now I am freezing and my teeth are chattering and I start doubting to myself if these horns are really attached to a antelope. :-k
I haven't seen him move in over a hour but hey maybe he's a sleep. By the way their heads are tilted I can tell the other two are sleeping now and decide to get closer and be ready for a shot. I move in 300, 250, 200 yards and they still don't see me.....I keep pushing it and get within 150 yards before they jump up and scream out of there. Only two run off and sure enough the other is a perfectly shaped antelope horn, STICK!!!!!!!!! I stalked a stick for three hours! ](*,) I sat down in the mud and ate some lunch and thought of how much I love hunting, even when things don't turn out. That's why they call it hunting and not killing.
I am soaked all the way through and am looking forward to getting dried off, eat a hot meal and this afternoon I plan on hunting that big herd. I head out toward Cort and the truck. I was about a mile into my hike and noticed a small buck. I didn't pay him to much attention and kept walking and glassing, when all of a sudden, three bucks come up out of the bottom. They must have seen me and were running as they passed in front of me. I throw my rifle up onto my shooting sticks and find them in my scope and the second one is a shooter. I wait for them to stop but they only slow down to a slow walk. They are a ways out there and I don't have time to get my range finder out to range them so I guess where to hold and sweeze one off. Boom and I thought I saw it drop. I take a look and only two bucks are running off. I watched for a little while to make sure he was down. I start over towards him, thanking The Lord for giving me a buck. As I approached I'm taken back by the bullet placement. He was walking and he must have stopped as my bullet hit right where I aimed but a foot or so forward, right in the base of the neck. I never take neck shots, matter of fact I don't think in all of my big game animals that God has blessed me with, I have ever hit one there. I get on the radio and call Cort and tell him, "I got my buck, yahoo" and he said I'll be right over. It took him about a half hour to arrive, and he says come here, I have something for you. I knew he was up to something and sure enough he also killed his buck that morning.
I'll try to post some photos of the bucks.......
This is Cort"s
Thanks for sharing the story with us and photos. Looks as if you guys were indeed blessed with success.
We had an awesome hunt, I got my first buck, Jeff got a huge buck, and Brett got his first antelope.
We were seeing bucks everyday, I had passed up on several. On Monday I only saw one antelope over a mile away. Thought I would slowly work my way over that way through the cholla and fog and see what I could find. Moving realllllll slow, 10 yards and glass, 10 yards and glass..... Saw the antelope and it was a decent buck about 600 yards off. Dropped to the ground and low crawled aways back to better cover. Circled a small hill using it for cover for about a 1/2 mile to get a little closer. Finally low crawling up to a cholla for cover. Now lie down and wait. After a while I still don't see that buck crest the hill for me so I sit up. BUSTED. He rambles off a few yards and I duck back down. He is curious and comes back to investigate, then runs off a ways. This goes on and on for several minutes. I then wiggle my hat around just over the top of the grass to make him curious again and amazingly he comes forward some more to investigate (go figure!). He then decides he wants no more of this and takes off a little ways. I said "ENOUGH" and stood up to make a shot with my 30.06 and my shooting sticks. Thank God for shooting sticks! Drop him at 200-225 yards, goes 20 yards and drops. MY FIRST BUCK!!!!
See Hiker's pic of my buck below.
Absolutely awesome hunt. SE Colorado may not have the most animals, but we hunted hard and got a couple of nice ones.
Thanks for taking the time to register and share your story. I really enjoyed it. You've got yourself a great friend and partner to hunt with. :)
congrats on the 1st one. :thumb
Cort- Welcome to Muleymadness and what a way to come in on. congrats on your antelope and good to hear your stories.
Jeff kept encouraging me to join. So here I am. Couldn't think of a good forum name, then I remembered my trail now from when I completed the Appalachian Trail when I was 17. All_American_Boy.
Good talkin!
Hiker: What a great buck!! Congrats man, that things a beaut! - he looks like a really cool buck. regardless of that congrats on a completely successful hunt! I'll bet that was a blast being with two good friends on there first hunt (or first buck goat hunt). Sounds like you two had a blast and your makin me sad that all my antelope hunts are over for the year #-o
AAB and I have a Muley hunt planned later this year together and hope to get a couple of decent bucks. This one will be tough, 8-10 miles per day into blow downs and misery but hey that's where the big boys live, in this unit. Hopefully God will bless us with a couple of nice ones and if He does we will post the hunt and photos on here.
Cort, welcome. And good work on staulking your lopes guys.
Nice one. :thumb
Thanks for posting!
I like that .264 Winchester Magnum! It sure reaches out and touches them.
I love to see young people get involved! A memeory that will last forever.