How many Elk in North America??
9/23/07 7:49am
Not sure if you guys saw or heard, but according to the RMEF (Rock Mountain Elk Foundation) there are....
Today, according to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, about one million Elk live in the western United States, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina, and from Ontario west in Canada.
Today, according to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, about one million Elk live in the western United States, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina, and from Ontario west in Canada.

9/23/07 11:06am
ya i heard that on roughin it outdoors last night

9/23/07 11:30am
hey where did it say they were catching those brookies last night? Anyone catch that? I'd love a change from rainbows every week.

9/23/07 11:40am
in bugle magazine they say Alaska dosn't have a good estimate on the size of there elk population. Does Alaska have lot's of elk you don't here much about the elk hunting in AK.