how much

just wondering what good muzzleloader goes for 50 cal and whats the longest shot you have taken. make and model would be great also the negatives and positives that come with the rifle :-k
I just picked up a new T/C Omega Z-5 for $320, shipped to my house. I haven't killed anything with it yet, matter of fact I haven't even shot it. I hear they'll shoot accurately out to 175+ yards.
ya if ya have the cash go with a TC encore. if not get something from cva. my muzzleloader. which is a white. is a 45. cal and i have mine sited out to 150 yards and i know i can make a longer shot if neccisary.
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There are a lot of good Muzzys out there.

My boys have a TC omega ( $260 .00) + or - , CVA optima ( $200.00)and I have Traditions pursuit pro ($ 245.00) , but we paided WAY less by shopping around . All work great. This last year was our first year hunting with the Muzzy. Cody took his first big game animal with his .50 CVA Optima at around 90 - 100 yard. I don't think i would shoot much farther than that. With open sights or Red Dot , a lot of your Target is covered at long distances. TC does make a 1x scope that has very fine cross hairs that are real nice . WE also shoot 300 grain XTP H. points and I am not sure what hind of damage they will do when they slow down at long distances . So we will try to stay at a 100 yards and under for Elk and maybe a little father for deer, but not much. I remember pulling up and a spike at 150 (?) yards and my front site covered most of his shoulder , I just did not feel good about the shot and past. :>/ That was the only chance I had last year but feel good about my choice .

Here is the photo of my sons spike he shot with his CVA optima ." alt="" />
you should be able to get a good muzzle loader for btween 200-and-400 dollars lots of options
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I have the original Knight Disc Rifle.. You can pick up the newer Knight models for around $300-$400 or even $200 If you find them on sale.. Love the gun.. My dad shot a buck at 278 yards with it last year.. But I feel comfortable shooting up to 200 yards with it