Utahs deer herd is in sad shape yet what does the
Dwr want to do hunt them harder!!!
What few BIG bucks are left in general ereas will
Now be hunted in the first part of the Rut if sportsman
Do not take action

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Agreed it's a joke, parts of the proposal or okay and others I had to shake my head have got to be kidding me. Don't get me wrong I'D LOVE to kill me a nice buck after Rifle season with my muzzleloader at the beginning of the rut but this WILL NOT help deer herds and increase mature bucks. Which is what I want.
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Hmm my home unit, Zion, is on the list. I would love to hunt bucks with the muzzle loader during that time frame, and actually I've been saying they should do something like this for a long time, if they manage it correctly, which is asking a lot of the DWR. If the tag numbers were to remain the same overall, for the 4 hunts I don't see a problem with it. I would even dare say that less deer would get killed.

For example, if they were to take 100 tags from the rifle hunt and used them for the late MZ hunt that would save a few deer in my opinion. One because it's a muzzle loader hunt , and two I think anyone hunting it would be willing to eat their tag over killing a smaller buck, I know I would. It might be nice to see them put some restrictions on the guns too i.e. no scopes/sabots something similar to Colorado.

If they make this work it'll be a blast but, I agree it will probably just end up as another couple hundred tags given out.