how often do you clean your shotgun

It seems like my shotguns pump is getting hard to pump a lot lately So my question is How often do you clean your shotgun i clean mine every 3 or 2 boxes of shells
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I guess I probably clean mine more often than I need to . ???
I clean Both my shot gun and Muzzle loader every evening after I get home from the hunt.
well i actually kind it fun to clean them so i clean it every time i go shooting. and sometimes just for some people think its wierd. dont know
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I also don't mind cleaning my guns. I clean and oil them every so often even if I have not shot them for a while. I even take my oldest son's muzzle loader out and clean and oil it every month. He is on a mission for our church and I want to make sure it is in great shape when he returns. I even clean my Fly Reels every time I use them. :-k :-k :-k
I clean them after every outing that I shoot, except for durning the duck / goose hunt, I will clean it after every couple outings just cause I am using it so much during that time. If you are like me you have a lot of money tied up into your guns. The last thing I want is to have one get ruined by not cleaning them.

If you have a muzzleloader you should always clean it after every time you go shooting if you don't you are really going regret it latter. I once took and let mine sit for about 2 weeks (I forgot about it) oops. That sucked I barley got the breech plug out. And the barrel well lets just say that it will never be the same, I got it clean but it got a little bit of damage to it, oh well. Learned my leson.
my beretta i have not cleaned it since the beginning of duck season!!!!!!!!!! I'd say 10 + boxes or a 160+ worth of ducks Thats what you get when you get a great gun you dont have to baby it! nex week is the end of season and it will get a good work over but i dont want a gun that HAS to be cleaned every out or it dont shoot right!! all season and no problems thats a good gun!!!!!!!!!!
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My Muzzle loader after every hunt I remove the breach plug and remove the powder and push the sabot and bullet out the back . Most of the time I am hunting in freezing weather and I do not want any moister in the barrel to start any rust or a miss fire on the next hunt. I start out with a new load every day.