how should i do my eroupean mount?
11/5/10 11:37am
hey so i was just wounderin if ya'l had any suggestions on how i should do my European mount? i was thinkn bout doin some kinda base for it instead of just a typical wall mount but like a stand of some shorts.
You could easily add some legs to the base of the Diorama and turn it into an end table too.
I've also seen people use a set of sheds as the base to hold the skull off the wall. Sorry no pic but it looks cool.
Here's a pic of the base before I put the rock mix on.
+1 on his design, crazy good. :thumb
Here's the shed I found that day.
I ended up dipping strips of news paper in flour water to lay over the mesh. On my first attempt the rock mix was too thin so the newpaper layer (like making a pinata) worked great to spread the rock mix upon. I let the news paper dry one night and did the rock mix the next day. It took a day to dry. The diorama process took me about four days. The skull cleaning/peroxide whitening took me longer than that, but I'm a novice.
I used an old tent stake (nail type) driven through the bottom of the base, as a support for the sage brush piece. I drilled a hole into the bottom of the dead sage so that I could slide the sage down onto the nail. The rock mix holds the sage down onto the diorama base.