How to get slapped, real hard!!
m gardner
3/2/08 2:33pm
I've been teaching my girlfriend Doreen (a bona fide city girl) how to hunt, track and camp. She's doing really well especially with the tracking. She helped me follow up an elk and successfully recover it and feels she's an expert now. I see people tracks now and then and show her how to tell how fast they are walking by the stride and if they are tired by the amount they are turned out etc. Yesterday we picked up a set of day old human tracks. Two people. One following the other. The larger one leading the two. About 5 foot 10 inches, 200 pounds, good looking, very heavily laden, probably carrying all the gear for the two of them. The smaller one lightly laden and following the large one. Probably a female hunter with murderous intent. Maybe even holding a gun on the large one making him carry all the gear. About that time she noticed that the boot tracks matched ours and smacked me! I guess she's a pretty good tracker now and I need to mend my ways! Naw!