How to get started
10/28/06 7:29pm
After lookin' at everyone's pics over the last year I really want to give this a shot starting this coming spring. However, I have a few questions regarding same.
1) Like a few of ya, I will be putting my camera(s) up on public land. It is pretty islolated but it IS public. Do/did any of ya have issues with folks tampering, destroying, or stealing your cameras and if so, how did ya remedy the issue?
2) I don't have the funds to buy anything fancy (Brett, I know you build your own) and will probably start with something fairly inexpensive/over-the-counter. Any suggestions on which brand or model I should start off with?
Most of my other questions have already been answered by your previous posts. Of course, I'm sure I'll have many more questions once I actually get them into the field. Any other pointers beforehand are more than welcome though...LOL
Thanks guys.
1) Like a few of ya, I will be putting my camera(s) up on public land. It is pretty islolated but it IS public. Do/did any of ya have issues with folks tampering, destroying, or stealing your cameras and if so, how did ya remedy the issue?
2) I don't have the funds to buy anything fancy (Brett, I know you build your own) and will probably start with something fairly inexpensive/over-the-counter. Any suggestions on which brand or model I should start off with?
Most of my other questions have already been answered by your previous posts. Of course, I'm sure I'll have many more questions once I actually get them into the field. Any other pointers beforehand are more than welcome though...LOL
Thanks guys.
As far as what I look for in a camera is that it has at least a 1.3 MP resaloution to it. That's what all of mine are. The other thing is most of these cameras have some type of locking system so that you can secure it to the tree to help keep it from walking away. One thing that I've found is that for most of the year people don't really get away from the roads during the spring and summer months. Unless you plan on putting it on a real popular trail. Most of the time you will be putting you camera up on you hunting spot that is tucked away and most of the time nobody will be poking around that time of the year.
If you look around there are also boxes that you can put your camera to help keep them secure. I've never really looked at these real close cause nobody has ever messed with mine yet. Also putting on a little camo never hurt either.
There are a ton of choices out there now and trying to find the one that want could be a pain in the butt but at least you have all winter to check them out and decide.
Good Luck.