How to hunt

Which way of hunting do you like the most? I personally like horseback myself
personally, I prefer hiking although it's a pain in the rear sometimes...especially when you've hiked 4 or 5 miles and actually knock something over. Then the WORK begins!
Hopefully I don't piss anyone off but the four wheelers and such are doing nothing but tear up the countryside, chase the animals away, and allow the lazy man access to areas that he wouldn't hike into unless his TV and microwave dinner were waiting for him on the other side. I know I'm generalizing and there are a lot of good hunters out there that use these things but the bad experiences sure outway the good ones, at least as far as I am concerned.
The fact that I almost killed myself on one once probably has something to do with it too...LOL

good to hear from you again! although i have to say man you got some guts to write something like what you did. i totally agree with you 100%!
but those are the exact type of replies that got me in trouble on another website. the way i see it is like this; if you use a 4 wheeler, more power to you, you have that right, as i do to say i hate those damn things. use one, see if i care! many people, sometimes i wish it were more, will respect the animals and land even if hunting from a atv. but there are those folks that just ruin it for the rest of you. one thing i would like to say is this, although atvs are rough on our country, i personally don't think they are the worst things out there. i think people that litter, people that don't use good ethics, people afraid to put chains on, and other such things are worse than 4 wheelers. i don't hate people that use 4 wheelers i just hate the 4 wheeler!
i think i will take agchawk lead and make a pretty generalized comment myself, just by looking at the poll the way it is right now. 66% of us like to hike the backcountry while huntin'. i must say these people are not talking about wyoming. i swear i could hunt for two weeks and 66% of the people i see would not be using the two legged express, rather they would be driving trucks or 4 wheelers. i am not bashing anyone, i am just saying that 66% is a big number and i know that at least in my neck of the woods, 66% of the people i see are not walking :?
my bad,,,,,,,,, that is only because three people have voted!

come on!!!! where is everyone, doesn't anyone have a comment. seems like the same three people day in and day out. i know you are all busy, but this is hunting we are talking about. hunting is like breathing, we always seem to find time to do that, so we should be able to find time to talk HUNTIN"
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Since it is illegal to hunt from a motorized vehicle , aren't there only 2 choices? And shouldn't the other 2 choices be called ''best way to poach''
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hey fairchase,

it is not illegal to use a motorized vehicle during the hunt in most areas but it is illegal to shoot a firearm or bow from the motorized vehicle. just a fyi there anyhow thanks for your opinion.
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:D :) :lol:


It depend on the area that you are going to hunt -
either walk in or ride horseback [sorry I do not use a 4x4]
"I feel like that is curb service"

but everyone has a different opinion on "how to hunt"

even the OUTDOOR CHANNEL is going to change their programing
get out of= ride 4x4 in, sit in pre arranged stand/box, shoot game animal over bait, then take pictures -
read article on may do african hunting shows
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Hey Ya'll got it wrong.

I use a truck to transport my ATV. My ATV to save gas, and to ride trails. After that some leg work is always preferable! I'd say the usage of these isn't bad, but hunting on/from some of these isn't right, I agree there! Hiking is definiately the best alternative when it comes to the hiking part, but then again, can your 84 year old grand-daddy mount a horse or hike 3 miles and pack his two point out? Just wonderin'? I think that there is no right/wrong answer. thats my two bits
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Just so we're clear;
It is illegal to hunt (chase , pursue , capture , molest) animals from a motor vehicle.
Therefore while in a truck or on an ATV you should not be hunting but traveling to a place where you will be hunting.
my old man use hate four wheelers more than i did, perhaps the reason that i hate them so much is because of him. but, this past year my dad blew out one of his knees and instead of giving up on hunting for the year he went and bought a four wheeler to get him where he wanted to be. after that he struggled and fought his darn knee and did some walking but very little. anyway, even on this four wheeler there are ways to hunt with one and not be unethical or destructive to the animals and land. my dad is a example that if good judgement is used four wheelers can actually be useful. however, i gave him the worst rash of sh&* about having a four wheeler. i just prefer to use the two legged express when i hunt as exercise is a good thing.
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I hear what all of you are saying and agree with most of it, but i think 4 wheelers can be fine, but it comes down to the user and using proper judgement. In British Columbia we don have quite the same problems with the planes and 4 wheeler pressure, but we do get some dicks on quads that like to rip up any turf they like. I would like to hunt of a quad, take a little trailer behind and get off the main haul roads into the old overgrown roads and get a ways away from the traffic and then set up a bas camp, and its little work little fuss and you can just hike outa that. And i think grouse hunting on a 4 wheeler would be lots of fun. Once again though very different conditions in B.C. and different terran. The problem here isn't the amount of hunters compared to deer its just trying to get to the deer and finding the deer.
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Hey all of you,

none of your opinions are wrong but i do agree on the judgement thing. ok dont get me wrong 4 wheelers can be used to do bad things but hey so can walkin an horseback riding or jus hoppin in a ole chev an goin up. it's the judgement of the person and nevertheless i personally like 4 wheelers. i have a blast on em and i know the rights an wrongs of using one. anyhow thanks for the opinions i really enjoy readin on how u all feel about this subject. another thought not every bad thing comes off a person usin a 4 wheeler lol
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I think I'll put my 2 cents in too. In my experience so far fourwheeler's and motorcycles and such are great for packing out an animal once it's down, but they sure are a pain in the neck for those that get up before the buttcrack of dawn and hike up to where they want to be and then have a fourwheeler drive through and scare every deer within 10 miles away or to those that are sneaking up on an antelope and have a 4 wheeler scare the things and push them off somewhere else. If you're going to ride a 4 wheeler that's fine, I just hope you are 50 miles away from wherever I am hunting. Thank goodness Idaho is starting to enact some laws to help keep the things under control.
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Yeah it does take a little gumption to go out and say that 4 wheelers are bad for hunting. But the truth is they are. Why should some 300 pound lard bucket be able to go up the same grades I do on foot? I watched last year as two fatties drove up to a draw, jumped off, and shot a buck. Then they drove down the draw and got the deer, is that hunting or just shooting? Before I go any further I should state that I own one, a Polaris scrambler. It's great on sand and at the local designated riding area. I've never taken it hunting, never will. I see what they do, ruts, dust, noise, and erosion. It's just another way for our overwieght nation to be even lazier. Part of the deal you sign when you become a hunter is to know your limits, so if your 83 and blow a knee, maybe you shouldn't hunt, or maybe you should go on a less strenous hunt. If your out of shape(or in shape) you shouldn't be going places that your body won't take you on foot. It is unfair and a huge pain for the folks who go out to enjoy nature, not another engine noise. When this comes up on the local ballot I will damn sure vote for it and I know a lot of other folks who will too. The Steens Mountains here in Oregon are a great example of what happens when people drive all over hell in search of game. Even now in June the marks of last years hunters remains. To say atvs aren't that bad because other people litter is just plain and simpley stupid. It's like saying " I should be able tear the ground up, chase game around, disturb other peoples hunts, take a chance at starting a wildfire, and generally be a total pest because other people have littered and such." I'll have to remember this ideolgy next time I get a speeding ticket. I have an idea, You wanna have a memorable hunt that you can be proud of? leave your atv at home.
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What is all this about ATV. Listen, I know that they can be useful tools, like a gun. They, like guns, can be misused and spoil the image of ATV's in general. Quite frankly I dont agree with a lot of the bad mouthing of fourwheelers and such. A lot of people live in places where it would be impossible to drive ATVs too far off road. There are however people that abuse ATV use and take them where ever they feel the disire to. This is crap and you probabally agree. It is illegal to shoot from a motorized vehicle of any kind and lots of hunters will get off to shoot. Four wheelers are noisy, but so are desiel pickups. If I were to say that the guy that drives his pick up to hunt is damaging the enviornment and adding to noise pollution, some would throw a fit. The fact is that vehicles of any type, along with development, wildlife management, other hunters, environmental factors, hunting pressure, and more effect mine and your hunts. There are very few hunts that you can not have some kind of destraction or disturbance. That is just life. I dont think that ATVs are always bad, YES they can and are misused, but lets keep one thing straight, no matter how big the fuss, ATVs are here to stay. Sure put limits on them like we do guns, maybe that'll put them in the sights of law makers instead of our second ammendment. I'll give up my ATV when you give up your GMC!
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i totally disagree with the oregons post. so you are saying that you would let the less fortunate suffer? so some guy that cant walk anymore or some ole man that has been hunting his whole life an no longer can get up those hills to give up hunting? you know its not the 4 wheeler that does all the damage. oh have yall forgotten the damage ppl have dont on foot like wildfires or trespassing or poaching? oh my so its ok for them to destroy nature? i think its wrong to blame 4 wheelers for all the damage. i dont think ur really hikin that much anyway if u can still see a 4 wheeler. those ppl on 4 wheelers have designated areas to hunt an if u dont like em than u better get off ur butt an hike. stop complaining about it because u gotta do a lil more hiking to get away from the noise. i love nature an my family owns a cabin where 4 wheelers are allowed an it doesnt bother anybody up there at all. oh look what i just said 4 wheelers are allowed an the place isnt ruined nor damaged at all. so dont go pinnin all the wrong doings on 4 wheelers nor trucks. theres my two cents worth and i know its ur opinion and this is my opinion
Howdy All,
Danthe2..... ,
i see what you are saying and for the most part i guess i agree with you. you make out of it what you put into it. i guess all along i have been placing blame where the blame doesn't necessarily belong. just like 4 wheelers sometimes bad people give good people a bad name. for example, one year while my pop's and i were elk hunting it was mid day and most people have gone to camp already my dad was driving me to the top of this long canyon and then i would walk down to where he would pick me up. when i got back from like the third pass he mentioned that someone was stuck in the middle of the road and he would not be able to pass for awhile so we called it quites for a couple hours. anyways as the conversation went on i asked my dad why he didn't pull the guy out so we could keep hunting and he told me that the kid was jacking around and when my dad confronted him on how in the world he got stuck in the middle of the road, the kid told my dad to f-off and that it was none of his business but yet he still wanted my dad to pull him out. needless to say my dad just went on his marry way without helping. so there is a example of how a few bad eggs give good people bad names. oooooooohhh yeah, the kid also was someone that was in my class at the time and so when i went back to school i had to give the dude some sh*&.
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I'm gona have to say hiking the back country simply because you get excercise its peacful brings out all the meanings of hunting to a wholedeffinatly a good question though
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Boy does this bring out some emotion's!! You guy's that hate the four wheeler remember something; blaming the 4 wheeler for destorying the land is like blaming the fork for Rosie O'Neil being fat! Sound familuar???

I have never hunted off of a 4 wheeler. I have off horse's. As my lot in life improved, I got into 4 wheel drives to access some places I couldn't befor. Now I'm pushing 60 and need a knee replacement pretty bad, I'ed like to have a 4 wheeler so I can still get in. Climbing is not the problem, coming down is and I can't go to far on this knee, even on the flat's. I don't have my horse's any more and really miss them. If you haven't experienced horseback hunting your missing out. But then some people really don't care for horse's either. But even on the horse's, we would ride into where we wanted to hunt and walk the day with the horse's left un-saddled and tied.

It's not as important how you hunt as it is the ethics you use. I've known poacher's that had far more ethic's than a lot of "hunter's" I've known.

I also find that at this time in my life, I'ed rether carry a good camera, than a rifle. I spend countless hour's working up load's and bedding rifle's and fussing with trigger's. Then I find that I shoot a lot more deer with my camera than with my rifle and I can hang the whole deer on my wall! Someday I hope to find a real wallhanger to put on the wall, but I fear that when that happen's I'll have only my camera with me. Just as well I guess, if I can't find the old bustard with the rifle, he deserve's to live another day,,,and I'll hang he picture on my wall. I really don't need the meat and to date that huge deer has alway's won our contest, I wish him well,,,,but I know what he look's like, I've got his picture!

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By the way, I'm not suggesting anyone give up their weapon, whatever it may be and reguardless of my personnal feeling's on certain weapons, for a camera. Shoot, use whichever you like, or both or even neither. Maybe you just like to look!

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Hey Don,
I have horses and i love them to death. I have hunted off horseback a few times and it is soemthing else. Oh i love it man i just love horseback riding period. I am a big time trail rider and it is an awesome deal to experience it. I have 4 wheelers and drive snowmobiles and got my ole 4 wheel drive Dodge which always see mud and i have my horses. I can see all points of everybody's convos and the view in which they are coming from also. You know i am one to say each is own because everyone is titled to their own opinion and ways of life. I am 17 yrs ole movin upwards to 18 so i got plenty of time to experience life and what it has to offer but one thing i can tell ya is my dad is movin on 50 and he has a bad bad back which he needs to go into surgery but he refuses and my uncle has a bad shoulder and back. The 4 wheeler is a blessing for them because they don't have to give up what they love and can still get around to places which they cant walk far enuff to. I know i dont want my dad or uncle to give up hunting because it isnt the same without them and i love going with them and thats the most important thing to me is my family. I liek your story and the thing with the camera well i can understand your point of view also. A picture is worth a thousand words and you captured it all right there. We dont need a big buck hangin dead to enjoy the wildlife and memories of the outdoors and thats a fact right there or at least my two unpolished pennies worth. I love baggin one because i hafta say, i am ADDICTED to jerky and ohhh what better jerky is there than elk and deer jerky eh. Well take it easy and enjoy the winter weather.
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Hi people...None of you know me but I'd love to hunt on horseback...I'm a horseback rider too...the reason I said "I'd" is cause I don't really hunt...I WOULD LOVE TO THOUGH! MY PARENTS WONT LET ME!!!!! [-o< [-o< [-o< But anyway...I'd love to hunt on horseback across the trails

P.S.-read "sad huntergirl" and reply please! :thumb

-huntergirl (Blake Antoniewski)
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Hunter Girl I'ed guess your rather young. Likely your parent's don't hunt either or if they do they just don't think your ready yet. Whatever it is, your time will come, be patient. Perhaps your parent's would let you go to an AKC field trial? If so, go watch the gun dog stakes, the other's will likely confuse you at this point in your life. One of the nice thing's, for me anyway, is bird hunting is no longer about killing bird's, it's about watching dog's do what they do and looking for the rare dog that absolutely capture's your emotion's. The dog that make's you sit up in the saddle and watch for fear of missing something. If your folk's ride maybe they could go with you/ The nice thing about AKC trials is that anyone is welcome to ride the stake's in the gallery and watch. You'll also find a lot of people there who'll be more than glad to ride with you and explain what's going on. Another thing you'll find is that there are even people there that do not hunt as we precieve it. The thing about hunting,maybe you need to learn it now, is once you've put the quarry in a position where it's had, the hunting is over and the killing begins. If at some point in your life you reach that point, your gonna have an awsome responsibility to do it right. Killing, or harvesting if you'd rather, is the termination of life, that should alway's alway's be done as humely as possible, allowing the animal all the dignity in death you can muster. It is a huge responsibility, don't take it lightly. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all! For now you can still hunt but your weapon will be your eye's or maybe even a camera. I've shot a lot of animals with a gun but I've shot many more with a camera. The one's I've done with a camera have lived for someone else to hunt, maybe you! Yet there image is mine forever. Oh, I didn't mention. About the AKC trials, they're pointing dog trials. Spaniel trials ane walked. If it's ok with your folk's and you can't find any, let me know and what area your in and I'll see what I can do.
I hunt with all of the methods mentioned. I owne horses, 4-wheeler, truck. My favorite method is hiking in and bivvy camping in the high country. I do believe that the 4-wheeler has played its owne role in allowing people to get into those very remote areas that deer like to hide resulting in more deer and game to be harvested. As far as abuse on the country with 4-wheelers go I do not think its the 4-wheelers fault. People abuse country, not 4-wheelers. Just the same as "People kill people, guns don't kill people!" The country and game can be abused by any method. I don't hate 4-wheelers. I hate the fact that some people abuse the country and the game on 4-wheelers, on horses, in trucks, on foot, in air planes, etc., etc. But let tell you about the things I love. I love to sit on a mountain and watch a herd of deer through my optics when they do not know I'm there, I love to have a whitetail snif a mock scrape under my tree stand while I try not to move a muscle for fear of being detected, I love to sit around a campfire and razz my buddies about missing a deer or being too lazy to get outta bed after a week of hard hunting, I love a hot shower or a bath at the hot springs after a few days in the mountains, I love looking back at my pictures of my lifetime of hunting, I love riding my horse into the mountains on my way to a much anticipated hunt, I love tying a deer on the rack of a four wheeler, I love the exertion of hiking into the mountains to hunt or better, packing out my game. And the list goes on and on. What do you guys love about your hunts???? fatrooster.
I have no four wheeler and lost my horse to my first wife. I take the hole hunt off and spend time in the hills and after a few days of hiking I due enjoy going for a ride in the hills and my new wife realy enjoys it to! So I better keep her happy or I might end up loseing my jeep also. lol ](*,)
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everyone should check out the Utah DWR website. There was a post on there about 20 pages long from people fighting about what is right and wrong. I personally would use a four wheeler to get to where I hunt, and to haul out my deer, but I only actually hunt by foot. That's just what I like to do. As for hunting on roads in Utah, you can HUNT by roadside means, but as for shooting from a vehicle or from a highway, that is not legal.
peace out Napoleon