How to... Hunt elk on the Wasatch Extended Area
9/29/08 10:20pm
I have hunted pretty hard for elk on the Wasatch Extended area, in fact I could have taken a cow/calf the same day I killed my deer back in August, but that is only because they came into my meadow. But I have been up there several times since with no luck. I have seen them from a distance and I know that I have been close enough to get one to hear me with a cow call, but I cannot get any responses. Anyway, it seems as though in other LE areas right now during the rut hunters can call elk in without any problem. I'm using a cow call and it just doesn't seem to be doing the trick. Getting frustrated, any suggestions. ](*,) (???)
1. Take the cow call, stick it in your pocket and ONLY use it as a last resort type thing!!!!
2. This area is completely different than a LE area, the less calling the better IMHO
3. Dont get frustrated, at least you are seeing elk, a lot or people don't even see them
All I see are bulls hanging out together and no cows if you blow a cow call they will run in the opposite direction every time.
Leave the call in your pocket.
What are the boundaries on the extended elk i tried looking at the map on the DWR site and it wouldnt open it can you hunt right south of parleys (lambs canyon)?