How to Hunt on a Slim Budget
9/3/09 9:01am
I cannot be the only one who has a very small budget this year. But it seems like you need to spend at least $500 whenever you go to the store. Nothing's is cheap anymore :>/
So, how do you cut costs? Like do I really need all the new-fangled gun cleaning gear, or did Grandpa have it right when he bent up a coat hanger? And hey, I don't mind being a redneck :))
So, how do you cut costs? Like do I really need all the new-fangled gun cleaning gear, or did Grandpa have it right when he bent up a coat hanger? And hey, I don't mind being a redneck :))
I understand what you are saying about all the new bells and whistles that are out there but like said above. Nothing out there can beat hard work and God blessing you in your hunts.
Just make sure that you are proficiant with your weapon of choice, you have a great set of boots/socks, you know the area you are hunting, and get out there and you should be fine.
Basically, you NEED a good weapon of your choice, clothing (no need to get expensive here, either), GOOD boots/socks, good knife and some knowhow. Transportation, sleeping arrangements and food/drinks.
Everything else is gravy.
All my big game is boned on the spot, no need for a saw. For packing I use a basic pack frame, put the meat in a game bag secure it with a light rope.
I still use my old Red Field binos. Hoping to upgrade by next Fall. Good binos are real important.
Camo? If your gun hunting why? You've got to wear orange. Wear your blue jeans a sweat shirt and a insulated hoodie [I use a orange camo insulated hoodie. Warm weather a orange vest over a light sweatshirt. Or work clothes under the orange. Boots, you don't need boots special for hunting. Your well broke in work boots fit your feet. I take 2 pair, non insulated and insulated.