How to Hunt on a Slim Budget

I cannot be the only one who has a very small budget this year. But it seems like you need to spend at least $500 whenever you go to the store. Nothing's is cheap anymore :>/

So, how do you cut costs? Like do I really need all the new-fangled gun cleaning gear, or did Grandpa have it right when he bent up a coat hanger? And hey, I don't mind being a redneck :))
Rifle hunt then Im assuming? Not sure if you've thought of this but Ive heard of some people getting some great deals on guns @ pawn shop's. Im no gun smith but know how to inspect the breech and bore for pitting and gunk. I've purchased many things from pawn shop's (mostly power & air tools for my shop). Its usually VERY EASY to haggle with a pawn broker about the price of something for sale, generally I can talk them down 30% from their original asking price for things. Also, my very first hunt I had nothing but a tent and jacket hahahahah. My step father loaned me his old .243 to shoot with and it worked great. Just some idea's if youre still looking jbrower115. I know $500 is a lot to drop on something too but its like Ive always heard said "if you spend that money on this NOW, you wont have to spend the money on it year after year for a long time."
IMO the only things you need is a good set of boots. Adequate clothing for the weather, a dependable weapon, a lot of hard work and elbow grease, and in the end a blessing from above to be successful.
I understand what you are saying about all the new bells and whistles that are out there but like said above. Nothing out there can beat hard work and God blessing you in your hunts.
I tend to agree with Sneekee on this one. All the little "toys" and such are great and I do have a lot of them in my closet but I have refrained from buying anything new over the last year or so for the same reasons.

Just make sure that you are proficiant with your weapon of choice, you have a great set of boots/socks, you know the area you are hunting, and get out there and you should be fine.
The biggest expenses are Gas and Food. Just make sure you have a weapon, a knife and can dress for the elements. I accumulate things all year long so that I only have to fork for gas and food during season. It is more cost effective to camp and hunt than travel back and forth. On the backend you might have some expenses also depending on your success (butcher expenses or freezer paper, tape and associated supplies. Also a taxidermist if you take a trophy and want a mount done). Do not forget about these possibile expenses also. Otherwise, just have fun.
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The biggest expense for me is missing work (if I was greedy I'd work more but I'm so darned old I'd rather be found dead hunting than working). Actually I can work two weeks a month and live comfortably. I take a week or more off a month during the seasons. I tent camp, which is cheap. I can't get a camper into the places we go anyways. The second biggest expense this past trip was 2 new tires to replace the two I put rocks through. Good thing I carry two spares.
For the most part I stick with the same old gear. I easily resist gadgets and little conveniences I can get along fine without. For me it's fuel, food is the same as if I where home and I sleep in the topper.
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So, what if you don't even have the normal tools? I seriously don't own a cleaning kit...or a decent knife... #-o The knife is coming soon :thumb How important is your camo? I have to wear orange for deer and elk anyway, as far as I understand. What are some alternatives to the normal, "Duh, you need to have that..." kinda tools?
You don't "need" a cleaning kit. A good drop point knife with a sharp edge will get you by from field dressing to skinning to deboning. A good bone saw is really nice to have, though.

Basically, you NEED a good weapon of your choice, clothing (no need to get expensive here, either), GOOD boots/socks, good knife and some knowhow. Transportation, sleeping arrangements and food/drinks.

Everything else is gravy.
A good hunting knife, I still use my 40 year old Buck. A 1"X3" flat steel with diamond chips to touch up. Cost is $8. Small day pack to carry water and stuff like matches, firestarter, small flashlight, food and a place to carry clothes that I might shed as the day warms.
All my big game is boned on the spot, no need for a saw. For packing I use a basic pack frame, put the meat in a game bag secure it with a light rope.
I still use my old Red Field binos. Hoping to upgrade by next Fall. Good binos are real important.
Camo? If your gun hunting why? You've got to wear orange. Wear your blue jeans a sweat shirt and a insulated hoodie [I use a orange camo insulated hoodie. Warm weather a orange vest over a light sweatshirt. Or work clothes under the orange. Boots, you don't need boots special for hunting. Your well broke in work boots fit your feet. I take 2 pair, non insulated and insulated.