Hoyt Alphamax trial

I was practicing at the local shop and was handed the new Alphamax to try. Wow what a nice shooting bow for a short bow. I have not been a big short bow fan (I shoot a 36" ultratec) but this bow is smooooth and has a nice back wall, no hand shock or felt vibration, and is very speedy as well. This bow was a pleasure to shoot and very light which is kind of a departure from previous Hoyt designs.

I hate it when they put those little bugs in your head, now I think I need a new bow.

I also tried the Matthews Monster while there. It is a past parallel design kind of like the PSE bows and is screaming fast for you speed junkies. I like speed but am not one who thinks fastest is bestest! A very nice bow none the less.

Anyway, for pure shoot-ability I preferred the Alphamax.
one hunting fool
my archery shop is trying to talk me into a new bow also. boy i sure would like that new hoyt but my wife says baby comes first :(
It is a great bow depending on your draw length...Lot of guys are getting the 32 and wishing they had bought the 35. If you have over a 28.5-29" draw length you may be better off with the 35, as the 32 can magnify lil wrongs in your shooting form.

I'm waiting on the the shop to get a lefty 32 to shoot, but really liked the 35. :thumb
"'Ike'" wrote:It is a great bow depending on your draw length...Lot of guys are getting the 32 and wishing they had bought the 35. If you have over a 28.5-29" draw length you may be better off with the 35, as the 32 can magnify lil wrongs in your shooting form.

I'm waiting on the the shop to get a lefty 32 to shoot, but really liked the 35. :thumb
I went with the 35 as it was the best choice for me with a 30" draw length and am loving it. First time bow hunter - figured I'd spend the money now and avoid the regrets later. So far, no regrets on the price since I'm a firm believer in the fact that you get what you pay for, especially when it comes to hard goods.
"ktowncamo" wrote:
'Ike' wrote:It is a great bow depending on your draw length...Lot of guys are getting the 32 and wishing they had bought the 35. If you have over a 28.5-29" draw length you may be better off with the 35, as the 32 can magnify lil wrongs in your shooting form.

I'm waiting on the the shop to get a lefty 32 to shoot, but really liked the 35. :thumb
I went with the 35 as it was the best choice for me with a 30" draw length and am loving it. First time bow hunter - figured I'd spend the money now and avoid the regrets later. So far, no regrets on the price since I'm a firm believer in the fact that you get what you pay for, especially when it comes to hard goods.
Very nice, congrats... :thumb
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"one hunting fool" wrote:my archery shop is trying to talk me into a new bow also. boy i sure would like that new hoyt but my wife says baby comes first :(

Hunting fool- Sounds like a smart woman!!!! I have the same struggle and a similarly smart wife... But don't tell her that. :-$
one hunting fool
"Bowtech43" wrote:
one hunting fool wrote:my archery shop is trying to talk me into a new bow also. boy i sure would like that new hoyt but my wife says baby comes first :(

Hunting fool- Sounds like a smart woman!!!! I have the same struggle and a similarly smart wife... But don't tell her that. :-$
Yeah I hate it when she gets all sensible on me... ](*,) if it where up to me we would be like the rest of the world and charged to the max. As it stands now cause of here the only thing we owe on is our home. And for the first time I have (I guess she has) :-k a savings account.
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Wow, she is smart! But keep it down... :)
I've had my AM32 for about a month and I LOVE it! I've shot in a couple of 3D's and received a lot of comments about how quiet and flat it shoots. It also looks cool (I got the Black-Out riser with camo limbs). The one downside is that I've blown up 3 string leeches. I never lost one with my old Hoyt, but this one just tears them apart. Anybody planning on buying one needs to own a press, a string separator or live close to a bow shop. When they come apart and you don't notice it, the bow makes a heck of a racket.
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In my opinion it is the best bow hoyt has ever made. It would be the only hoyt that i would consider buying.