Hoyt Alphamax trial
4/14/09 8:53am
I was practicing at the local shop and was handed the new Alphamax to try. Wow what a nice shooting bow for a short bow. I have not been a big short bow fan (I shoot a 36" ultratec) but this bow is smooooth and has a nice back wall, no hand shock or felt vibration, and is very speedy as well. This bow was a pleasure to shoot and very light which is kind of a departure from previous Hoyt designs.
I hate it when they put those little bugs in your head, now I think I need a new bow.
I also tried the Matthews Monster while there. It is a past parallel design kind of like the PSE bows and is screaming fast for you speed junkies. I like speed but am not one who thinks fastest is bestest! A very nice bow none the less.
Anyway, for pure shoot-ability I preferred the Alphamax.
I hate it when they put those little bugs in your head, now I think I need a new bow.
I also tried the Matthews Monster while there. It is a past parallel design kind of like the PSE bows and is screaming fast for you speed junkies. I like speed but am not one who thinks fastest is bestest! A very nice bow none the less.
Anyway, for pure shoot-ability I preferred the Alphamax.
I'm waiting on the the shop to get a lefty 32 to shoot, but really liked the 35. :thumb
Hunting fool- Sounds like a smart woman!!!! I have the same struggle and a similarly smart wife... But don't tell her that. :-$