Hoyt Vectrix

Does anybody shoot this bow? i was planning on maybe getting it for my birthday and getting used to it for this coming season? is there anything i should look out for or any problems?........anything?
I was thinking StickFlicker shoots one.

I noticed they made made some changes to it this year called the Vectrix Plus with a new Z3 can and 1/2.
I won one last year and gave(sold..lol) it to my Buddie. He is a PSE nut until he shot the Vectrix. He shoots a lot of 3D and indoor, but was not able to connect last year on a buck or bull. He claims its the smoothest bow he has ever shot. We had Utah Archery center set it up.

Note: He shot a Mathews, PSE and then the Hoyt Vectix the day he bought it from me.
o...well thanks for the imput. i am really wanting this bow.
I shoot a Hoyt Trykon The Vectrix if fairly similar, but came out one year after the Trykon. The biggest complaint I hear about either of them is the weight, which is noticeable compared to many other bows. I know on paper it doesn't seem like that much weight, but it is significant when carrying and shooting it. The only other thing I dislike about my Trykon is that it seems to torque left sporadically when I shoot it. It has been suggested to me that I try putting an aftermarket string stop on it to get rid of this problem. There was a huge technical reason given as to why this would help, and the pro shop guy seemed to sound like he knew his stuff, but I haven't been able to find one yet to try this solution. The Vectrix comes with this item installed from the factory, however. Good luck!

so im guessing it probobly around 4 pounds or...?
Kemo Sabe
Excellent bow. I got one last April and have shot it a lot, abused it some and haven't had a single problem with it. I also took a buck with it back in September. Fast, smooth and quiet. I also like never having to wear an arm guard since it's almost impossible to experience string slap with it. If you're going to get a Hoyt, it's the way to go.
ok everybody thanks a bunch for the imput. :thumb :)
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Hey Stickflicker, I just got the new fuse catalog for 2008 and they have string stop listed. They call it the stealth shot... You might check it out.
Thanks JOn,

I wasn't aware that Fuse was making one. I have a Fuse stabilizer and quiver on my Trykon, I like their products. I'll have to swing by a Hoyt dealer and check it out, especially since I still haven't been able to find the STS aftermarket model in stock at my local Sportsman's Warehouse stores... Their product ordering system seems to leave an AWFUL lot to be desired!
I have the fuse model (Stealth Shot)....it's lightweight and works GREAT. I'd recommend it over the more cumbersome looking STS. The straight barrel model is lightweight and works perfect on my Guardian. Here's the link to the product.
