HR 621 and 622- Death by a thousand cuts to public lands
#1DEER 1-I
1/28/17 10:16am
Today it's 3.3 million acres tomorrow its 640 million. If you haven't contacted your representatives on this issue, you really need to do so. Serious pushback needs to be shown here to kill the idea of both transferring or selling or public lands.
For anyone who doesn't know yet HR 621 sells 3.3 million acres of BLM land in 11 western states. HR 622 removes BLM and Forest Service law enforcement from the landscape and puts that heavy burden on local police who would end up having to enforce laws on all our federal lands. One is an outright sell of our public lands, the other is undermine the publics safety, inviting lawlessness, and undermining the agencies that manage them. Both these bills are a step in the direction of the end goal, getting rid of public lands. These 3.3 million are simply the easiest to take, so they'll take them today. Then a month from now they'll take 10 million, and so on. Sportsmen need to stand against this NOW.
Here is an easy way to send a customized email to all your representatives:
Trout Unlimited has a good way to contact your reps by email, just scroll down to where it says find your official enter your zip code and address and it lets you add all your representative from President to Lieutenant Governor:
Also, don't just email, call your representatives:202-224-3121
Then call Jason Chaffetz: 202-225-7751
And if you have time I would send an actual mailed letter to yor representatives as well. It's time to stay involved. If you aren't prepared to get involved at this point, then you better be ready to lose. Be polite in everything you do, but make it clear who you are, how these lands are important, that you are against these two bills, and that there should be no transfer of public lands to the state or sell of them. If your representative is against these things contact them anyway and thank them. Even if you feel your just wasting air on some politicians they still need to hear from everyone.
For anyone who doesn't know yet HR 621 sells 3.3 million acres of BLM land in 11 western states. HR 622 removes BLM and Forest Service law enforcement from the landscape and puts that heavy burden on local police who would end up having to enforce laws on all our federal lands. One is an outright sell of our public lands, the other is undermine the publics safety, inviting lawlessness, and undermining the agencies that manage them. Both these bills are a step in the direction of the end goal, getting rid of public lands. These 3.3 million are simply the easiest to take, so they'll take them today. Then a month from now they'll take 10 million, and so on. Sportsmen need to stand against this NOW.
Here is an easy way to send a customized email to all your representatives:
Trout Unlimited has a good way to contact your reps by email, just scroll down to where it says find your official enter your zip code and address and it lets you add all your representative from President to Lieutenant Governor:
Also, don't just email, call your representatives:202-224-3121
Then call Jason Chaffetz: 202-225-7751
And if you have time I would send an actual mailed letter to yor representatives as well. It's time to stay involved. If you aren't prepared to get involved at this point, then you better be ready to lose. Be polite in everything you do, but make it clear who you are, how these lands are important, that you are against these two bills, and that there should be no transfer of public lands to the state or sell of them. If your representative is against these things contact them anyway and thank them. Even if you feel your just wasting air on some politicians they still need to hear from everyone.