huniting Utah's Fillmore Pahvant area
5/12/09 3:54pm
Just wondering if anyone has hunted for mule deer in the Fillmore, Pahvant area lately, particularly the Wildgoose Canyon area. If so, how was the hunting? I drew a Southern tag this year, and since it's been years since I've hunted Wildgoose, I was wondering if I should try it again.
Thanks, Brad
Thanks, Brad
Thanks, Brad
Welcome to the Madness, best of luck with your hunt. Don't have experience with your area, how much has the Elk heard on the Pahvant hurt Mule Deer in your opinion?
I'm not sure if the elk have affected the area I hunt. I haven't hunted there since 2003, and I didn't see any elk or any sign of elk during that hunt. In fact, I've never seen elk in that area of the Pahvant. Lots of lions, though.
New to site & saw your post. I hunted that area 4 or 5 times a number of years ago and killed a couple of good bucks. Here's what I know.
Get on the road up the Pahvants. You'll pass Redview Ranger Station and keep going. Once you get on top if you look down to the left you will be looking towards Fillmore. There is a place named HELLHOLE, you should find it on your topo. Camp on top, hunt down into HELLHOLE and whatever surrounding area looks good.
WORD OF CAUTION - Do not wish to offend anyone but here are the facts. I have hunted the entire western US , Africa, Mexico, and Canada for over 30 years and, IN MY EXPERIENCE, I have never met a ruder, more arrogant, hateful group of hunters than Utah natives. The guys that I ran into (on SEVERAL OCCASIONS, over SEVERAL YEARS) purely and simply do not like out of state (particularly Calif) hunters.
They act as though they "own" the wildlife and that we are "stealing" from them. Be prepared.
Nuff Said. Email any questions.