Hunter is the Hunted

Finnally got some dogs to come to the call this weekend. After several weekends of beeing skunked I got three coyotes to come in on two stands. The first stand yieded two with one comming in five feet behind me! I've heard if this happening to other people, but experencing it is another thing! Needless to say when I heard him and turned around he was as shocked as I was and I missed the twenty foot shot. ](*,)
The other dog that came in on that stand also came from behind, but off to the side, he was a nice one but got in the brush before I got a shot off and never came out.
My next stand yeided a coyote in less that five minutes of calling. I hit him in the chest at less than fifty yards but he made it to the brush and I never recovered him. This leads me to the question: What does eveyone else hunt coyots with? This is the first year I've used a .223 and I'm a little disapointed with the "knock down" power. I don't like to sew up holes but I hate to loose an animal worse.
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thats a bummer that you missed the shot. Its ok i've had some simple close shots that I missed and couldn't figure out why or how I missed. The 223 is just fine for coyotes. 222 mags work good. The best gun that I've heard is the 22-250 works the best for coyotes. Its flat shooting and has plenty of knock down power. I've lost acouple of coyotes but the gun I was using was pretty light to begin with. I shot one in a field next to my house five times. I was using my 17 HMR Savage. I shot him through the front shoulders. he flipped around and got back up and started to run then I shot him again on the run. I hit him 3 more times before he beat me out of the field and into the black berry bushes. i couldn't recover him. I used the same gun and shot a coyote in the chest at about 150 yards and he just dropped. Well good luck hunting. Team_Predator_6
I have had dogs in come in from behind before to say the least it is a suprise for the both of us
bowhunter 616
great story Huntingal,how about pics.I use a 223 i used a 22-250 but it would tear up the hide on exit.good gun though i know a lot of people that use them.again good post.