Hunting around Pheniox?

I just found out that I can get a three day out of state hunting license and was wondering if anybody that knows that area might steer me to a general area to go chase some preditors of maybe some of those huge jack rabbits?

We are heading down for Thanksgiving to see the by-laws for a few days and I would like to do some calling while I'm there. Have been over nort of Benson a couple of times chasing javelina a couple of times and really love hunting in that country.

Thanks in advance for any info that you are willing to share.
Wish I could help ya bud but I've never hunted down there. Just wanted to wish ya good luck! Sounds like a lot of fun.
Where in Phoenix are you gunna be? You can take the 60 West toward Wickenberg and head up into Congress. Lots of spots in there as well as in Wickenberg itself. There is a lot of State Land on the perimiter of the road that goes around the White Tanks from Bell Rd. all the way to I-10. Don't bother my deer in there though lol . I just busted a fox out there yesterday and got busted by a coyote. Feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll be able to help you out more.
Thanks for the info Azrednek.

Had a great time and lots of fun.
Any time sir. Glad to help a fellow hunter.