Hunting Heritage
9/24/08 7:17am
Hey Every body,
I am new here but I have looked around on the site a lot and haven't seen any pictures of where their hunting experiences came from. So I figured I would post some pictures of where I got my hankerin to stalk the Muleys and Elk that roam the country around my home. These pictures are of my great Grandpa and many other members of my family. I still hunt the same mountains that they did a hundred years ago. Plz reply to this post of pictures of your hutning heritage. I think it should be awesome to see some of the old pictures that some of us have.
I am new here but I have looked around on the site a lot and haven't seen any pictures of where their hunting experiences came from. So I figured I would post some pictures of where I got my hankerin to stalk the Muleys and Elk that roam the country around my home. These pictures are of my great Grandpa and many other members of my family. I still hunt the same mountains that they did a hundred years ago. Plz reply to this post of pictures of your hutning heritage. I think it should be awesome to see some of the old pictures that some of us have.
but those are classic and great pictures. thanks
let me do some loading and resizing and e-mailing and i will try to add a couple. i cant do as good as the ones posted but i think they are cool.
If you're like me, I love to see the old photos regardless of who they are.
Great, those are some nice bucks!
I agree with what AGCHAWK said. I dont care if it's family or not, I just really like to see what hunting was like in "the good ol' days". I dont have any old pics of my family's hunting experiences, but i'll have to do some digging. I seem to remember a pic of my dad back in the 50's or 60's with a nice buck laying across the hood of an old sedan. Mostly though my family was poor farmers and ranchers so they couldn't afford the luxuries that we take for granted today like a camera. But there have been plenty of stories passed down over the years.
Funny, the guy that came is second does not look the least bit happy about it either! :))
Hiker, I think that the total score was 51 inches....if I read it right. (Height plus width of the rack)