hunting in Wyoming

I am interested in white tail hunting in Wyoming, just a general public hunt dose anyone have any ideas on where to go and when the hunt is?
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Yes you should go to the high basin in wyoming.

Generally speaking, most of your whitetails live in the riverbottoms and agricultural fields in Wyoming, which, unfortunately is on private property. WYMULEYMAN probably has a better idea of where you can chase some whiteys on public ground, which may include maybe some wildlife management areas, etc. If he doesn't respond on the open board, maybe PM him. I'd also contact the Wyoming G&F and ask the same questions. Hope it helps and good luck.

You already probably received some of the best information you are going to gather from BOHNTR! Unfortunately I can only help point you in the right direction for contact information. As I have never hunted whitetails and really wouldn't even know where to begin! As BOHNTR said unfortunately most your good whitetail areas in this state are going to be on private ground, fortunately from what I have heard alot of your landowners in that particular part of the state will let you trespass. The part of the state that I am talking about is going to be in the northeast portion of the state, around Sheridan, Buffalo, Moorcroft, Douglas, and these surrounding areas. Your best bet would be to first contact the local Game and Fish and then a follow up call to the Sheridan or maybe Casper BLM field offices as they usually have great information on public grounds and contacts to the ranchers and farmers in which you might be trespassing.
Region A Northeast Wy is prime whitetail country, the season opens Nov 1st.
National Forest land is open to public hunting, but may be crouded.
There's a ggod chance of a nonresident drawing tags.
Most ranches allow Whitetail hunting, and some will charge a fee.
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i have a ranch outside of moorcroft area, also one over by newcastle in the black hills, good whitetails above sundance, really good size to them, it's also national forest area. sometimes there can be some heavy hunting but for the most part if you know where your going, you can still get into some excellent areas. i got a 8 point last year up there. not huge but was a good shooter....good luck

Just wanted to welcome you to MuleyMandness forums, thanks for registering. Where is a pic of your buck? I know, I know, it's say's "muley"madness but hey we like big game pictures also. :)