Hunting Indian reservations for Mulies
5/26/09 7:48pm
Just wondering has anyone tried it,and would they recommend it.Also curious which ones have you heard about.So far I am looking at standing rock near the ND/SD line.I have a friend going there this fall,and he's got me fired up.Seems to be a good way to go for non-residents.Any stories are welcomed as well!!Thanks!
until he showed up one year and found there were no elk left. Seems the tribe rounded up the elk and sold them to someone and failed to tell him and his buddies they had done it. Up until then he was very happy with the quantity and quality of the animals on the reservation.
For example, we had one tribal member show up at the Sportman's show head competition with THREE different bulls that all scored over 320". It's a bunch of crap considering I can apply for a branched antler bull tag for 20 years and NEVER draw it...yet this idiot can drive in there any time of year, with any weapon, and take as many bulls as he pleases. (Yes, as a non-tribal member I have to be DRAWN to take a bull bigger than a spike)
Therefore, they will never get anything from me. In fact, I will not step foot in their casinos either and forbid my wife from doing the same. Until the tribes get off their collective rear ends in this state, the herds will continue to diminish until there is nothing left to salvage.
I will end this by saying that I have nothing against the vast majority of the tribal members and have some great friends who belong to a couple different tribes here in the region. However, as a whole they have GOT to fix it...and FAST!
Conservation officers and the MN DNR don't seem to be concerned. Reasons are apparently high deer numbers and political. :>/
Not all the res trophies make it to B&C or even to Al Gore's Internet, lots of them are just film fotos in someone's shoe box at home( I've seen some of the fotos ).
Again, they get nothing from me until they can effectively police themselves.
From what I know, there's not much for quality in the northern states. A couple of the native reserves in Canada have pretty good hunts, but again, you have to be careful. Canada is even more liberal with allowing natives to harvest big game year-round and by any means, so they can hammer the local populations of wildlife in a hurry.
is so right you have to know what and where you are, it could take bad turn getting pinched for hunting on private land without premission.
I don't have any issue with the Bureau of Indian Affairs setting their own seasons and governing there own, but when they are selling guided hunts to out-of-state non-tribal members and leading them astray to where they get arrested unknowingly that is a problem.
The Southern Ute tried That one year And the hunter shoot 2 bucks what a idiot talk about greedy. messed that up for all u that want to hunt our awsome rez. Besides that no non meber can hunt on the ute now. And wont be able to for many years too come. Dont no about any other reservations.