hunting knifes

whats the way to go for a good all around hunting knife???

you can spend some big bucks if you want, but look at Outdoor edge. Kodie pack. great knife set. thats all any of the guides used for yrs in New Mexico. Very good knife very resonable.
oh and i have great info for my hunt for ya...............
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I've got a Cold Steel Master Hunter in AUS 8 steel. It holds an edge well. Well enough to skin and bone a cow elk and half a mule deer before needing touchup. Nothing seems to hold up long on bull elk that have rolled in the mud though. Working any knife against dirt dulls it quickly. You better have a way to resharpen it as you work. I used an 8 inch mill bastard file for years until I made a little carbide sharpener which is quick and easy to use. You can buy them too, but I think mine's the best of course!
I have an awsome knife and with every use of it you can get a Helicopter ride. Let me know if you would like it. :) :thumb

But realy the knife I have used and like alot is my Cutco, the only problem is it is a serated edge and so you have to have cutco sharpen it. The one knife cleaned 4 elk, 2 deer, and 2 antelope before we had to sharpen it.
I second cutco there knifes are good i have two of there fisheman combo knives and there are sweet
Thanks guys, im gonna look at them all!!!

I've used a lot of knives and a few years ago, when it was still cool to pay through the nose to shop at cabelas, i bought a folding buck knife. I love it, it holds a good edge and cleaned 3 deer out of the box before it needed sharpening. I'd buy it again and again. I'm sure there are better higher priced knives out there, but i saw the same one the other day for around $60. For me it's been worth every penny. I also like the gutt hook, but it is offered without it as well.
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I have the "knives of alaska" set....worth every penny...made of D2 steel...holds the edge FOREVER...still have had to do anything but run it over a ceramic and Im at 5 elk and counting =D>
I personally carry a Gerber Gator and an old school Buck. Ya' know, the black handle with the silver tip. I keep a little carbon sharpener in my pack and they haven't let me down yet. Had my Gerber for years now and it's still holdin' together.