hunting memories.
5/31/07 5:26pm
lets hear some of your best hunting memories though the years. mine was about 6 years ago when i was just a tike. me,dad and grandpa were up high in the mountains during the rifle hunt and a huge snow storm moved in and the horses got lost. so grandpa,dad, and me went out to go look for them after the storm passed and we had to go through some huge snow drifts. well when we were walkin though them my grandpas fake leg poped off and got stuck in one of the drifts. he was cussin like a mad sailor while my dad was laughing up a well after he got on his leg we found the horses and went back to camp and wasnt able to hunt all day. i thought it was a fun time. just cause thats one of the few memories i have of my grandpa. so whats some of your best memories
Dad had gotten up and walked out of camp. Dad was raised a hunter and trapper, but that day he did get turned around.
But, after shooting a very nice buck and hanging it in a tree and marking it with some cloth. He started walking in the direction he thought camp was in, after several hours came to a road. He hitched a ride back to camp, tired and hungry.
After telling his story to the fellows he was hunting with, saying he wasn't sure where the animal was, they pointed to a tree just out of camp and said, you mean the buck hanging in the tree over there? Enough said.....................