Hunting Mule Deer in Dark Timber

Headed to Colorado Unit 12 last week of August. I've never hunted the dark timber for Deer so if anyone has any advice or techniques on how to hunt the dark timber that would be awesome.

one hunting fool
spot and stock move slow and get a good pair of optics
Take three very quiet steps, look, listen, wait...

Repeat many times over. About the only way to hunt the dark timber. Truly hard to get up on a deer or elk without them knowing your are there before you see them, but it can and has been done. Took my first bull that way but only after I jumped a small buck and realized I was moving way too fast. And I thought I was tip toeing my way along.

One other way that worked for me up in WA a few years back. The timber was too thick to see more than 15-20 yards, at the most. Find a game trail, watering hole, etc, postition yourself and wait. And wait. And wait.

Not the most exciting hunt but I did get my deer the two years I was up there. First was a game trail that crossed an old logging trail where a sliver of water also crossed. Second was a bedding area. A lot of scouting to find these places but that was done prior to the season and paid off.
Advice given so far is SPOT ON in my opinion. It's not easy, failure is common but it can be done. Move a lot slower than you think you should and agreed get some trails and sit. Find a water seep if possible, hope they come to you from feeding area to bedding area.