Hunting near Lander, WY
9/30/06 2:49pm
Just moved up to Lander. Anybody know where to try for some deer around here. I have been out scouting quite a bit but the trouble around here is that elk rifle opens before deer. Any help is appreciated.
Can't help you with the area, hopefully someone can.
Wanted to say WELCOME though.
Don't get caught down in the rough country if it snows, your truck will be there until Spring.
Good Luck
I hunt pronghorn out there every year but this trip was my first time exploring the whole area we hunt and getting to know it really well and also my first time ever going to this part of the area. If I had a map I could point you a lot closer (so lemme know if you have some online map i can look up or something) but its just a couple miles east of Atlantic City I think? Or somewhere around there (sorry). Here's a pic of the backround, it shows a big main dirt road i dunno if that helps at all. Where I spotted that buck is directly to my right. - After forever of glassin the buck I FINALLY remembered to shoot a pic, but by this time he was way off and nearly to his bed for the day - but if you are able to look around this area at all then heres where I saw him (not that this pic shows the area at all, haha. sorry)
Anyways, there are some great deer around this country - never had the opportunity to hunt it but have been there later in the year before and had the chance to talk with some hunters and have seen some great bucks pulled outa those sage brush hilly country, just check each n every little coolie out there.. im sure theres some even better hunting up in the piny mountains and stuff though, i dunno. mule deer hunting is my favorite but I know hardly nothin about it, haha.. good luck
I have scouted the beaver rim area quite a bit and have seen lots of deer. I was told that the area gets a lot of pressure on the opener, but I guess that what you have to work with some times. I have seen even more bucks on the foothills of the Winds but I know elk hunters have likely moved into those areas. Anyhow I really appreciate the help. Good luck baggin a biggin'
hound hunter, Nice photos and story, Thanks.
have to pack out your buck. So make it worthwhile. thumb