Hunting Pressure ??
9/25/06 12:01pm
This will be our first year hunting with M.L. in Utah.
The area's you hunt are there a lot of other hunters ?
I have been told that there are a lot of people using muzzle loaders now .
Last year my boys and I went out looking for elk during muzzle loader
Elk Season and saw very few people. Do more people hunt for deer
with M.L. in you area than Elk.?
Thanks for any Info.
The area's you hunt are there a lot of other hunters ?
I have been told that there are a lot of people using muzzle loaders now .
Last year my boys and I went out looking for elk during muzzle loader
Elk Season and saw very few people. Do more people hunt for deer
with M.L. in you area than Elk.?
Thanks for any Info.
Seems to me though that the bow hunt and rifle are worse than muzzleloaders.
So I personally think it's the better choice as far as numbers game.
More out for Deer than Elk in my opinion also.
Good LUCK UTAHROB, best of success and I'm sure you'll take some nice photos.
Have you seen some good bucks while scouting?