Hunting the Rut, Fair chase or not?
11/20/07 6:32pm
Hey guys, I'm sure someone has brought this post up in the past but I have been talking this over with some friends but I would like to know what everyone thinks. Should hunting be allowed at all during the rut when you may see bucks you normally couldn't find? Is it fair chase? I am just curious. I don't think I have made up my mind yet either way. Let me know what y'all think. Maybe someone can convince me.
I hunted pre rut in MT and WY both this year, had great hunts. But I have often hunted MT during the peak of the rut. I sure can't see a problem for me hunting the rut. Set goals, if you hunt during the rut go after trophy class only. Your going to have all the challenge you can handle.
Here in Utah when the muzzleloader was in November it seemed like a few people always got big bucks but IMO just as many big bucks are taken now with the hunt beginning at the end of September.
so i would have to say that i would like to hunt in the rut cause of how easy it would be to find trophy bucks but i am glad that utah has takin the muzzeloader out of the rut, cause it just wouldnt be much of a challenge to harvest a trophy.