Hunting Wyoming

Going to Wyoming this year for Mule Deer, Around the Saratoga area. We are staying with a friend in Saratoga. Have hunted a few times in northwestern Colorado, but am not sure what to expect from this area. Has anybody hunted around here? Is it mostly black timber, prairie, a lot of oak brush? Any info would be helpful, Thanks. :-k
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I hunted near Medicine Bow in 2005, it's about 1 hour and 15 minutes northeast of Saratoga. I'll be there as well this fall. What Area/General license do you have?

Where is Jing Weeds, PA?
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I hunt, fish and spend as much time I can there. I was there Monday and Tuesday. it all of that you listed, most of the oak scub is west of the divide. any Idea of what drainages you'll be hunting. if you narrow it down a little it would help.