Hunts for 2009

I want to make 2009 a better year than 2008 so i am already planning i know it is early but i never stop thinking about hunting here is what i would like to do and any suggestions i can get would be much app thanks

Wyoming antelope (what areas are the best odds to draw and still have a good chance at getting a lope)

Montana Deer (2009 will be my fourth year applying so i have to be getting close )

Utah my goal is to get a buck in velvet even a small one lol so ill have alot of questions when it gets closer

OIL moose (utah)

What is everyone else going to do
I'm thinking the same thing and I'm not going to be of much help.
I like areas 65 and 66 for antelope in WY, a tough draw but good lopes down there.
To bad about NR deer hunting in MT. ](*,) lots of folks have 3-4-5 pts for deer, our odds don't get better.
And I don't know anything about Utah. GOOD LUCK anyway! :thumb
I plan on drawing another Wasatch LE Elk tag from the Expo [-o< :thumb
I got an E-mail the other day saying you can start applying did you buy a package or just the one tag?
IM doing MD in NV in 2009,cant wait! :thumb
"NONYA" wrote:IM doing MD in NV in 2009,cant wait! :thumb
how many points do you have? i have 4 and i'm hopeing to cash in this next year!!
Just trying for my Utah tags next year.

OIL-mountian goat
PLE-Herny Mountians Buck
mapleton archer
want to draw a turkey this year & ple elk fish lake
Dang NONYA, with those bruiser Montana Muleys you've been knockin' down why would ya ever leave?!?!
Stuck in AZ again unless I can get out to TX for a hog hunt mid year. Not that the hunting here is horrible. Goin' after a pig of a buck in January. Hopefully they'll still be rutting for at least the first week of the month. If I don't get him I'll go after another velvet buck in August. Other than that I'll try turkey, peccary, and elk. I don't think I'm ready for antelope yet. Especially with my bow since I pretty much refuse to sit and hunt. Gotta spot and stalk.
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ok i see everyone talking about LE , PLE and OIL tags...can someone please explain to me what those are..i have never applied for anything in another state..and i dont know what they are and lots of guys or gals..are talking about them on here
LE- Limited Entry Tags: you put in for these in Jan. They are a draw permit for certain hunting units in the state. They have a 5 year wait period if you draw the tag to apply again.
OIL- Once in a life time tags, These are also a draw permit but they are a once in a life time draw.

Im going to hunt the general bull and buck this next fall.
I hoping to have good luck this next year and draw my moose tag. I also put in for bear, lion, elk, deer in the sportsman tag..
I may be going to Montana to hunt bear with my cousin..
I would like to get into bowhunting..

I have alot of space to fill on my trophy wall :))
Provided I do not draw any CH (Controlled hunt) tags, OIL (Once in a Lifetime) tags, or SP (Special permit) tags here is my list for this coming year:

WA Mule Deer
WA Elk (Spike only)
ID Whitetail

AND....I REALLY want to hunt elk in ID this year. However, I have never done it and am still doing my research, etc to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. If I can figure out what I am doing and get a game plan together then that will also be added to the list. :thumb

I am also lookin' at a possible trip to Wyoming for Antelope but that may have to wait until 2010.

Of course, I would give ALL OF THAT UP for an OIL Moose or Sheep tag! :))
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hah alright makes sence now..jeeze how couldnt i figure out the OIL tag.......but applying for elk in north dakota, and haha buck tag..we dont have any units like utah and crap where it takes 5-7 years to get a tag..maybe 2 or 3 at the most.. but otherwise our hunting party of 4 gets one about every year, i cant wait till i can apply for out of state tags..mountains are my home.
With all of the points I have built up in Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, and Wyoming as well as the Idaho & New Mexico draws, I'm hoping I finally pull a great tag someplace. If I don't here is a list of hunts I will be going on:

Utah - Dedicated hunter deer tag.
Idaho - General archery elk
Idaho - Spring and/or Fall bear
Idaho - General archery antelope
Idaho - I hope to find a place to hunt whitetail deer
Wyoming - Left over antelope
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I'm going to draw as many easy to draw tags as possible even though the hunts are harder. I'd rather hunt than sit home dreaming about the tag I'll draw in 10 years because at my age you can't count on being here for sure. Utah archery deer, Colorado archery deer, OTC archery elk in Colorado, OTC archery deer in Arizona, Arizona spring archery javelina for sure and some sort of archery cow elk tag in Az.
Utah muzzleloader deer,Bookcliffs
Utah anybull elk. Thinking about doing archery but im still not sure on what i want to do.
This year I am trying to get a cow/bull elk draw a cow moose draw and one mule deer buck tag
I know i'm late (i'm 19 going on 20) but i'm gonna start building up my points for any state i can think i even might want to hunt someday, haha. This way in 5 years when i'm out of the Marines I can start to cash out 1 tag at a time while i'm trying to finish up school and hopefully will be able to get at least 1 good tag a year to keep the stress down and kind of as a present to myself each school year. So pitch me some Ideas guys!! I've got a couple points built up for colorado deer and elk then of course my utah stuff, but thats it. I would love to put in for Nevada (lots of family out there - none of them hunters but i could get them to go on that trip) but I heard you have to pay the full price of the tag rather than just purchase a 5-10 dollar preference or bonus point. is that true? Does anyone know any other states that are like that just for a heads up for me? Also are all the applications at one time of year? When is that time of year? I've been wanting to do this since high school but i swear i miss every stinkin draw every year ](*,)
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"DeadI" wrote:I plan on drawing another Wasatch LE Elk tag from the Expo [-o< :thumb
If you draw another tag I'll come put a pile of dog sh!# on your back porch!
"cwp" wrote:
DeadI wrote:I plan on drawing another Wasatch LE Elk tag from the Expo [-o< :thumb
If you draw another tag I'll come put a pile of dog sh!# on your back porch!

and leave some on the front porch!!!

Come on Cory and Kollin, why you got to be like that. lol
hey man i can show u a velvet 3 anytime of the year
"hound_hunter" wrote:I know i'm late (i'm 19 going on 20) but i'm gonna start building up my points for any state i can think i even might want to hunt someday, haha. This way in 5 years when i'm out of the Marines I can start to cash out 1 tag at a time while i'm trying to finish up school and hopefully will be able to get at least 1 good tag a year to keep the stress down and kind of as a present to myself each school year. So pitch me some Ideas guys!! I've got a couple points built up for colorado deer and elk then of course my utah stuff, but thats it. I would love to put in for Nevada (lots of family out there - none of them hunters but i could get them to go on that trip) but I heard you have to pay the full price of the tag rather than just purchase a 5-10 dollar preference or bonus point. is that true? Does anyone know any other states that are like that just for a heads up for me? Also are all the applications at one time of year? When is that time of year? I've been wanting to do this since high school but i swear i miss every stinkin draw every year ](*,)
You're never too late! In fact, I started hunting when I was 22 (I'm 31 now). Six years ago I started putting in for multiple states for the same reason you want to. I still can't afford the time and money to go on most of the hunts I apply for, but one day I will. When that time comes I'll be way ahead of the game because of the points I've built up.

Right now I apply in these states: Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, New Mexico, and Montana.

Here is how most work:

Idaho - You have to buy a nonrefundable license to apply (around $150 plus $7 an application). You can put in for Deer, Elk, and Antelope OR Moose OR Sheep OR Goat. Idaho does not have bonus points so the odds are pretty good for the OIL species. Applications for sheep, goat, and moose need to be postmarked by April 30. Applications for elk, deer, and antelope need to be postmarked by June5.

Wyoming - If you apply in Wyoming you have to submit the entire tag fee up front and then the bonus points cost $100 for sheep, $75 for moose, $50 for elk, $40 for deer, and $30 for antelope. Max for sheep and moose is pretty high so you are WAY behind and will likely not draw for decades. However, elk, deer, and antelope have max points of 3. If I were you I would get in now! The downside for you is that 75% of the tags go to max point holders. If you only want points you can apply separately for them in the fall without submitting the entire tag fee amount. The elk application is due Feb 26. Sheep and moose are due Feb 28. Deer and antelope are due Mar 15.

Arizona - You have to buy a nonrefundable license (around $150 + $7.50 per application). You also have to submit the entire tag fee when you apply. If your hope is to hunt some of the premier units (9 elk or the strip for deer) the laws will need to change. They have essentially become preference point areas for nonresidents. In my opinion, things will change, so build the points now. Even if they don't there are still good tags to be had in the lesser units. Elk and Antelope applications are due Feb 10. Deer, sheep, and buffalo are due Jun 10.

Nevada - You have to buy a nonrefundable license (I think around $150 + $10 per application.) In Nevada the points are squared for the draw. This means if you have zero points you get your name in the hat one time. If you have 2 points you get your name in the hat 5 times (2 x 2 plus 1). If you have 10 points you get your name in the hat 101 times (10 x 10 plus 1). The bottom line is you have a chance every year for the best units (unlike Arizona) but your odds get better with time. You also do not have to submit the entire tag fee up front. All applications are due Apr 21.

New Mexico - They do not have a bonus point system. You also don't have to put up the tag fee when you apply (this might change this year). Application fees are around $10 per species and you pay for the tag only if you draw. This is probably the cheapest state for a nonresident to apply in. All applications are due Apr 8 other than oryx which is due Feb 4.

Oregon - You have to buy a nonrefundable license (I think around $80 plus the application fee per species.) The only reason I apply here is in hopes of drawing a sheep tag or Columbia whitetail tag. I buy points for everything considering I already had to buy the license. All applications are due May 15.

Montana - In Montana you have to draw out on a general tag before you can apply for a limited entry tag (I think this is around $800 dollars for a deer/elk combo). Because of this I have never put in here. I will start this year because I'm now willing to go on a general hunt if I don't draw. The general deer and elk applications must be postmarked by Mar 15. Sheep, goat, and moose applications must be postmarked by May 1. Special deer, elk, and antelope applications must be postmarked by June 2.

Colorado - It looks like you already understand this state. Applications due Apr 1.

Utah - I assume you already understand this state as well. Applications due Feb 26.

I hope this information helps. My biggest advice is to apply for every state and species you can afford. If all you're applying for is bonus points you'd be suprised that it's not as expensive as most think. I put $50 a month away to pay for applications and points which nearly covers everything. Many people save money for vacations and to me this is no different. I'm investing in points now for the vacations I'll take in a few years.

If you have any specific questions don’t hesitate to ask!
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I'm new to this site and really enjoy it. I'm crazy about western big game hunting, especially mule deer. I book and guide hunters on the ranch where I work here in northeast WY. Tags are real easy to get and we have pretty good mule deer and antelope. If any of you are interested look us up at
Ive put in for all my Utah tags now

OIL moose

LE Elk


Didnt draw turkey

Still in the Dedicated Hunter
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Wow, i find it very interesting since i found this site to see how your tag systems work south of the 49th parallel. There are still general seasons though on top of these draws right? Here in BC we have limited entry hunts for residents only that are for areas with good chances for harvest when you get a draw. Like, i can hunt moose all year, but only if i can find a two point. If i get a draw for a certain region then i can shoot any bull. Is it the same there? Very interesting.
Here in COlorado we usually do our tag draw selections this time in Feb so I put in for a bunch of stuff. Put in for first rifle (which is really a late like 3rd rifle) at 3Forks Ranch and three others on RFW draws just to accumulate points, but will probably have to do OTC bull when we dont draw for elk. Put in for second rifle in 55 and 35 for mulies but will probably end up with leftover leftover in 28 like last year( but we got the place and the deer and elk all figgered out now so 28 aint a bad last of the last choice). The draws are all after April 17 I think. Lotta darn typing, almost as bad as doing income taxes. Guess next month I'll buy my OTC spring gobb and put in for archery elk tag of some sort.

Good luck to all you other big game tag lotto players.

Maybe gas wont be 4.15 a gallon this fall.
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I ended up with a Cow Elk muzzleloader tag for area 51.

I was able to grab a leftover 2nd season rifle doe tag for area 38.

Cant complain for a newbie getting tags for the first time. My thoughts are to hunt close to home since I don't have a lot of time off from work and these areas are close enough to hunt on a day trip.

Would like to reverse the process next year and get a muzszleloader deer tag and a rifle elk tag. I think it will be just dumb luck if I get within a 100 yards from an elk.

Maybe next year I'll try for something with antlers.