I bought one
11/7/11 6:37pm
So I just Got my new Range Finder Hook Up made By Crooked Horn Outfitters. So far I like it, might take a while to get use to having my range finder being right where I need it LOL. Every year I find myself coming home with the story's, "if I would of just Ranged him first" Well now I should not have that problem. lol How many of you have made a poor shot because you don't think you have time to range your animal?
That's a great collection of antlers there... doesn't seem like you've missed too many shots! I've missed a couple of times due to not having time to range the animal. I've learned to get into an area and quickly range my surroundings so I have a general idea of the ranges around me. If an animal steps out in a hurry and I don't have time to get a reading, at least I know I'm somewhat close with my initial readings.