I dont get it.

Alright ive been hiking my butt off lately but all ive been finding is chalk along with older hard white sets and in this area i seen tons of deer this year but no bucks. Where would all the bucks be? I just cant figure it out.
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Usaully once I have found out where the deer are I give them about a 5 to 6 travel range, assuming they aren't under pressure from ATV's. Then just keep hitting those south facing slopes, and ridge tops. I'm not sure where your from but here the deer are always found on the south facing slopes that have a bunch of rocks on it, because it loses the snow first. Keep putting on the miles and eventually you will hit the pocket where it seems like the deer just stayed ther for weeks to lose their horns.
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Maybe the browns where all picked up after a fist fight that broke out 30 seconds after they hit the ground. Ha Ha too many people look'n for sheds. But if ur find'n hard whites and there was deer there that did not get scattered from pressure there are browns too, just remember they are alot harder to see. I have stepped on browns more than once, in the spring i try to train my eye to look for them it helps a little. Hard whites stock pile in an area after afew years of drops without being picked up so there are usually alot less browns than whites. Good luck, you'll probably find some ur next trip. :thumb
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When ur out hike'n look for the deer shit that is a few months old and look for the piles that look like buck not doe. Bigger ones and sometimes clumppy like a sheep. You'll notice that a smaller area like a knob or something that offers cover for beding will have more of it. Start look'n around and think witch way to feed/water then spend some time around and in between those areas too. Look for larger old tracks and overstep tracks too to find a "hang out" if the weather has not ruined them.
Well i watched this area almost all winter and there was no people at all in there. All i ever seen was a load of does. Would the bucks be higher or lower or where?
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If there were alot of does there were bucks too maybe not many of them but i'll bet there were some. Bucks tend to hide better thats why i say check tracks and other things they cant hide. You'll just have to spend time try'n to figure it out, every area is diffrent so it's hard to say. But i'll bet they are not far from the does.