I finally found something to do with those antelope horns
7/29/07 10:07pm
A long while back I had a post going asking if anyone had any ideas of what I could do with several sets of pronghorn horns I had layin around the house.... I always thought it would look dorky on a plaque but figured I already lost one or two sets cause I just had them laying around, and with a couple decent goats (some of which I wish I would have kept a cape for bein as how nice looking these animals truly are). But I took in 3 of them and I think they turned out great - now I know it's just a plaque that just about anyone with a tiny bit of experience can pull off.. But still, I got to give this guy props cause these turned out great! I have 2 more decent sized sets sitting at the house that i'll be taking abck to him being as I was so satisfied - He's just a small business guy whom does this with his wife (mostly just plaques) on the side because he enjoys it and for a little extra cash. I'd recommend him to anyone though who wants anything done on a plaque, I can't speak for his true taxidermy work as i've never seen it, but he's done a couple of our deer and elk in the past, and now these antelope - he does everything for a good price as well.
Wyoming 2006;

http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/004.jpg " alt="" />
Colorado 2006;

http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/003.jpg " alt="" />
Wyoming 2005;

http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/001.jpg " alt="" />
I'll have to get the info. for this guy and post it up later.
good luck to all you speed goat hunters this year!! I didnt draw out, but my brother and dad got wyoming tags so i guess ill go :)
Wyoming 2006;

Colorado 2006;

Wyoming 2005;

I'll have to get the info. for this guy and post it up later.
good luck to all you speed goat hunters this year!! I didnt draw out, but my brother and dad got wyoming tags so i guess ill go :)
Very nice looking mount.
Yeah that's our garage bigbuck, unfortunately those are all my dads though :( I do have some pronghorn up now though :) and I guess I can take credit for one of the elk as well.
In a couple of months i'll have a big buck up there of my own - and another decent elk if things go right.
I agree they did turn out nice! :thumb
I'm accualy down at college now.. But i'm only about 3-4 hours from home, next time I make it home i'll take some pics for ya.
Glad everyone liked them - here's the guys info just in case anyone cares;
Paul & Ann Bambrough
4876 Woodhaven Drive
Murray, Utah 84123