I finally found something to do with those antelope horns

A long while back I had a post going asking if anyone had any ideas of what I could do with several sets of pronghorn horns I had layin around the house.... I always thought it would look dorky on a plaque but figured I already lost one or two sets cause I just had them laying around, and with a couple decent goats (some of which I wish I would have kept a cape for bein as how nice looking these animals truly are). But I took in 3 of them and I think they turned out great - now I know it's just a plaque that just about anyone with a tiny bit of experience can pull off.. But still, I got to give this guy props cause these turned out great! I have 2 more decent sized sets sitting at the house that i'll be taking abck to him being as I was so satisfied - He's just a small business guy whom does this with his wife (mostly just plaques) on the side because he enjoys it and for a little extra cash. I'd recommend him to anyone though who wants anything done on a plaque, I can't speak for his true taxidermy work as i've never seen it, but he's done a couple of our deer and elk in the past, and now these antelope - he does everything for a good price as well.

Wyoming 2006;
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/004.jpg" alt="" />

Colorado 2006;
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/003.jpg" alt="" />

Wyoming 2005;
http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m42/hound_hunter/001.jpg" alt="" />

I'll have to get the info. for this guy and post it up later.

good luck to all you speed goat hunters this year!! I didnt draw out, but my brother and dad got wyoming tags so i guess ill go :)
those are nice. and DANG you got alot of antlers on your wall.lol
VERY nicely done, and I love the little decal image at the bottom of the wood.
or was this pic taken at the place that he did the work on them?
is that an engraving or is a sticker.

Very nice looking mount.
Looks great good idea i have a couple laying around now i know what i can do with them. thanks
That's an engraved image of a buck pronghorn with some grass and hills in the backround - I think that put a great touch on the mount.

Yeah that's our garage bigbuck, unfortunately those are all my dads though :( I do have some pronghorn up now though :) and I guess I can take credit for one of the elk as well.

In a couple of months i'll have a big buck up there of my own - and another decent elk if things go right.
hound_hunter, they sure turned out great!
Good job HH. =D>
"hound_hunter" wrote: now I know it's just a plaque that just about anyone with a tiny bit of experience can pull off.. But still, I got to give this guy props cause these turned out great!
Your right anyone can do it. I have done a few for my family and a few of my own. Maybe I'll post some step by step pics how to do it next time I do one if anyone's interested.

I agree they did turn out nice! :thumb
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Those look good,the wood plaques look like they came from walnut creek hardwoods a little place in illinois. I have used several of there deer antler mounting kits and they are awesome,check out there website.
hound -hunter great pics nice job
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lets see pics of everything else on your wall please!!!!

I'm accualy down at college now.. But i'm only about 3-4 hours from home, next time I make it home i'll take some pics for ya.

Glad everyone liked them - here's the guys info just in case anyone cares;

Paul & Ann Bambrough
4876 Woodhaven Drive
Murray, Utah 84123