i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i got a job for an outfitter and he said if i give him 4 weeks of no pay he will give me my cetifacation as an outfitter
Ronald to be an outfitter in Colorado you have to be licensed, insured (bonded) and sometimes a few other hoops you have to jump through depending if you want to guide on public or private lands.

So are meaning to say that he is willing to train you to guide for him?
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the owner is actually starn a outfitter school and i will be the first student there so i will be geting certified
isnt that kind of illegal?
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This could be a good deal for ya or it could end up going bad for ya.
I remmeber there was a GUIDE school that had been going on in Co. a few years back. They gave ya all the cirtifications (1st aid,CPR,ect) taught how to pack horses, set up camps, NF rules, capeing , cooking,ect.
I hope things work out for ya and you don't end up giving 4 weeks of free labor to this guy.

I did a quick search and came up with these.
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Sounds pretty fishy to me. I went to Rocky Mountain Guide School. They helped with job placement but they can't issue a master guides license in most state. I know most of the time you do have to be insured and also have experience under somebody else with recommendations.
deffinatly sounds like a fishy story. i would do lots of research first. or better yet just look into Royal tine outfitter and guide school. they are awsome and have a list a mile long of references.
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ya'l aint getn it. this is a free guides school for me. i will become a certifide guide for budges resort. i would look at roal tine but i dont have the money1 and 2 i'ed have to wait about 2 years befor i can go.
Im pretty sure you are the one not "getting it",these guys are trying to keep you from being taken for a ride but hey,do it the BARTA way! lol
"NONYA" wrote:Im pretty sure you are the one not "getting it",these guys are trying to keep you from being taken for a ride but hey,do it the BARTA way! lol

+1 and lol. Barta ways the only way.lol
Ronald people on here are just trying to look out for ya!!!

Good luck with youre guide school hope it all works out for you.

NONYA: do it the BARTA way! :)) lol that was was prett funny
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hey i wll do it the "barta" way and as for me not geting it, ha i just had a meeting with the big boss and he showed me the legal papers and that i will be going to school. but if NONYA says i aint geting it then i must not be geting . it appears nonya is right once agiani might as well not say any thing any more seeing as every opertunity ya'l get to bash on something you take it.
cb we're not trying to bash. We're trying to keep ya from gettin screwed over but o well if you aint gonna listen go for it.