I got Wolf Picture

Checked my trail cams today more elk pictres and some white tails but one unexpected picture of a wolf.
http://albertabucks.com/ipw-web/gallery/albums/TrailCamPIctures/Wolf_1280x9601_Small.jpg" alt="" />
Yes you did! :thumb

That his face coming toward the cam or his tail going away, little tough to tell?
Yep that's his face coming towards the camera i wish my picture progam for zooming in on the picture would safe the picture that way but it won't.
Tried a different program got a better picture.
http://albertabucks.com/ipw-web/gallery/albums/TrailCamPIctures/Wolf_1280x96011.jpg" alt="" />
Thats real neat. Are you able to hunt them there? :arrow
Yes we able to hunt them there getting thick to they just did a wolf count a couple weeks ago and said there was 47 wolfs to a township.
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Hi Wapiti, How cool is it to get wolf pics? I can only dream
What part of Alberta are you from? I took my sons to Ft McMurry a few years back for the spring bear hunt, and the oldest one had a wolf come past his stand. But alas he had only his bow that night and it was about a hundred yards away.
Alberta is BEAUTIFUL country. We come up there every few years for family reunions. I love it every time.
I live in Drayton Valley about 80 miles west of Edmonton.
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I farm for a living, so driving past all of that beautiful farm country that you have up there is just like going to heaven.
As I drive by and look at those farms, all I see are the nice crops, new machinery and healthy cattle in grass up to their bellys. And it all looks great!
What I can't see is the debt, interest, bugs, taxes, plant diseases, goverment regulations, break downs, fuel costs, water shortages, Market swings, ect, ect, ect.
I guess that's why the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Have a fun spring and go find some of the monster sheds that Alberta coughs up every year. Later Treetop