I had a camera!!!!

This last week I had a camera grow legs and climb off of its post and run away. This camera was located on the Boulder Mountain in central Utah up on top. It's is cuddeback expert, and it has my name written on the inside (K. Bundy) in permanent marker. These cameras have a security code on them and can not (at least this is what I was told) be used with out the security code. I am a 9th grade science teacher with very little money and try to hunt on my own. You know a Do It Yourself guy. I would like to try and find my camera, I don't want anyone to get in trouble, I would just like to get my camera back. If you have any information please send me a PM. I will also be posting this in the Deer and Elk forums.

Kory Bundy
Bummer, sorry to hear that. :>/
that sucks big time. at least they will not be able to use it (if the code actually stops it). i hope you get it back. Good luck
That's too bad Kory, this seems to be a growing problem with many members here. I REALLY hope you get your Tcam back.... I'd also like to say to all the Idiot Jerks who've been stealing everyone's camera's... Consider yourself one of many low-life's that has walked the earth and knock it off already! Stealing, Lying, Dishonest people that dont earn their keep are scum!
You may want to look into this http://utahwildlife.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=19055
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Sorry man
How did you have it secured to the tree?
Its just a fact in the east, If you dont secure your camera good, theres a good chance it will be gone. I have made metal security boxes that i chain to the tree. A determind thief can come back and get it. He is going to have to work for it though.