I held a man at gun point last night, HOLY ^%$#

you want to hear a crazy story?

yesterday was my daughters 6th birthday- super great day with the kids/family, cake and ice cream, Danner- my daughter got tons of presents( spoiled a little..)

anyway, a day that was as normal as any other day.

after a long day of fun the family and I settled down for the night, wife and kids went to bed, I stayed up to log onto here and check for any interesting stories, hit a couple other sites, look at the classifieds, etc
about 10 o'clock I heard my daughters cat outside, something had a hold of it. I grabbed my light and went to check it out.
this cat will not let me pick it up or even touch it( as if I care, I don't like cats but it IS my daughters cat) but I found it laying in the garden and it didn't even pick it's head up when i picked it up. NOT GOOD, I don't know how I'm going to break this to my Daughter.

I go inside and wake up my wife and tell her the cats hurt pretty bad.
She gets up and starts "womenizing" the cat.
all is still fine, hope my daughters cat makes it so I don't have to explain it all to her.
15 minutes later we hear 2 LOUD BANGS in the back yard- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?

This time I grab my pistol and flashlight- I go out back and start looking around. I checked out the ally, every nook and cranny out back and didn't see anything. I went out front to take a look and this is where CHIT HIT THE FAN!

the city is putting in new water lines right now and I have 2 backhoe's parked where I normally park my truck. I see someone moving in the tractor so I holler "HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" the guy hides behind the tires, and I go closer and yell again , same thing.

he comes out from the tires and walks to me and I tell him I have a pistol( whole time I have my bright flashlight in his eyes) when I say that he PICKS UP HIS PACE AND KEEPS WALKING RIGHT AT ME!

mind you I have no shoes on, no shirt, some pj bottoms on, and it's now 11:30 at night.
I litterally used my light to check the bullet was in the chamber and the safety was on FIRE.

I guess that sounded a little more serious cause he hit the pavement.

I didn't have my phone so I yelled to my wife to call the cops, I wasn't sure she heard me so I sprinted to the house and told her again, then ran back to the street- well the guy got up and was getting out of there!

I chased him down the street and seen a car coming, all i could see was headlights so I was using my light to flag them down while keeping my pistol on him. when the car slowed down I was yelling to them " CALL 911, CALL 911"
out steps a guy and says " I'm a cop"! he grabbed the guy and cuffed him, as soon as he did, I laid my pistol down in the street and told the cop I was laying it down.

a few more cop cars pulled up, I did get cuffed for no more than a minute , he said just to get a couple things strait.

I was un-cuffed in no time, the cop said I was FULLY justified and he would have done the same thing.H e gave me my gun back at my house 5 minutes after I walked in the door.

turns out the guy is a CARNY from the carnival that is in town right now.

I didn't sleep 30 minutes last night! WOW!
Glad to hear you and your family are ok. I imagine he was out looking to steal or break in? He's Lucky he didn't get shot. I remember every year in my small hometown in Wisconsin the fair would come during the summer and we'd always hear of shady people causing problems.
Yeah yeah but was the cat OK? LOL

Good job. That would be crazy to go through.
Springville Shooter
Way to take care of business Brian. If every man in this country had huevos like that , society would be a much better place. Too bad you didn't get a chance to kick his butt a little bit and leave a lasting impression. Your cat might need therapy. When I was a kid, we had a case where a carnie was going around molesting any animal he could get ahold of. -----------SS
No kidding WOW, little to much excitement for my liking. But sounded like you really stepped up to the plate and handled things
great. Impressive!
Not fun! Ive been in that position. I didnt eat for 2 days and i think the adreniline rush took a week to run its course. Glad everyone is safe and i feel your emotions on this one.
Way to go Brian. I hope I never have to do it, but I'd do it in a heartbeat in that situation. The more people that legally carry, the safer the nation will be. I'm glad all turned out well in the end.
Wow! That is a crazy story. I am so glad you and your family are all right. And Happy Birthday to your little girl :thumb
Glad to hear you and the family are ok.

Your lucky the cops did not think you were the perp

mind you I have no shoes on, no shirt, some pj bottoms on, and it's now 11:30 at night. :)
"TheGreatwhitehunter" wrote:Glad to hear you and the family are ok.

Your lucky the cops did not think you were the perp

mind you I have no shoes on, no shirt, some pj bottoms on, and it's now 11:30 at night. :)
I'm sure it may have looked a little odd, on top of that, I do a lot of construction work on are police stations and one of the officers that was there said " this is the first time I've ever seen you without a hat on, almost didn't recognize you" guess the mostly bald head caught him off guard lol
Springville Shooter
Life in the fast lane in good ole Prinetucky Orygun! You are lucky to live in a small town where the cops know most folks and are a little more laid back. Here in Utah I would probably still be trying to patch up all the bullet holes.----------SS
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On the birthday of your daughter you got a surprise gift.
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Ha that's crazy. Nice work.
Good job Brian....but more importantly, I'm glad to hear that you are OK!!!!!!!!
Try doing it for a living.........:) Glad things worked out well.
Good job man. :thumb

What's the verdict on the cat?
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Wow! This is the first real straight from the horse's mouth of somebody apprehending a guy or holding somebody at gunpoint. You're one brave guy! Way to go!
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Holly carp, I hope I never have to do that. I think I would have done it exactly the same as you but Holy Crap!!!
